2023-2024 Catalog

Advising Information

Students interested in Religious Studies are encouraged to take any RELS course at the 100- or 200-level, many of which have seats reserved for first-year students. Most Religious Studies courses do not have prerequisites and as such can be taken in any order.

Placement Information

No placement exams are specifically required for the Religious Studies major.

Sample 4-Year Plan



Year 1

  • Fall FYS course

  • Core Requirement

  • Foreign Language (4 or 5 units)

  • General Elective (4 units)

  • Spring FYS course

  • RELS Elective

  • Core Requirement (4 units)

  • General Elective (4 units)

Year 2

  • RELS Elective

  • Core Requirement

  • Core Requirement

  • General Elective (4 units)

  • RELS 250 or RELS Elective

  • RELS Elective

  • Core Requirement

  • General Elective (4 units)

Year 3

  • RELS Elective

  • RELS Elective

  • General Elective

  • General Elective

  • RELS 250 or RELS Elective

  • General Elective

  • General Elective

  • General Elective

Year 4

  • RELS 490 (Senior Seminar)

  • RELS Elective

  • General Elective

  • General Elective

  • RELS Elective

  • General Elective

  • General Elective

  • General Elective

Curricular Notes

  • Many Religious Studies courses also fulfill core requirements 

  • Students planning on studying abroad during the spring semester of their junior year should register in RELS 250 during the spring semester of their sophomore year