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2017-2018 Catalog
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2017-2018 Catalog
> RELS - Religious Studies
RELS - Religious Studies
RELS 110
Introduction to Native American Religions
RELS 130
Jewish Communities in Antiquity
RELS 145
Introduction to American Religious Movements
RELS 147
"Cults" and "Sects": New Religious Movements in America
RELS 150
Introduction to Islam
RELS 155
Islam and the West
RELS 160
How to Live and Die Well in Buddhist Traditions
RELS 190
History of Early Christianity
RELS 195
Shamanism and Spirit Possession
RELS 197
Independent Study
RELS 206
Jerusalem: Holy City
RELS 220
Nietzsche, Genealogy, and Critique
RELS 225
RELS 228
Chican@ Religious Identities
RELS 230
Religion and Law
RELS 232
Ancient Israel and the Hebrew Bible
RELS 235
Gods and Goddesses of India
RELS 240
Religion and Social Reform
RELS 242
Environmental Ethics and Religion
RELS 245
African American Religious Traditions
RELS 250
Studying Religion: Multiple Approaches
RELS 255
The Bible and Its Interpreters
RELS 257
History of Anti-Semitism
RELS 260
Buddhist Thought From India to Japan
RELS 261
Contemporary Buddhist Thought
RELS 266
Sexuality and Gender in Buddhism
RELS 270
Islamic Legal and Political Thought
RELS 276
Empire and Religion in Asia and the Pacific
RELS 277
History of the End of the World
RELS 281
Religion and Politics
RELS 282
"Good" Sex: History of Christian Sexual Ethics
RELS 285
Religious Atheism
RELS 290
Banned Books: Introduction to the New Testament Apochrypha
RELS 294
Religious Contemplation and Social Activism
RELS 296
Contemporary Islam in the Modern Middle East
RELS 305
Islam, Gender and Sexuality
RELS 345
Spiritual But Not Religious?
RELS 347
Religious Liberty and the Law
RELS 365
Buddhist Ethics
RELS 370
Death, Dying, and Afterlife in the Ancient Mediterranean World
RELS 397
Independent Study
RELS 490
Senior Seminar
RELS 499
Honors in Religious Studies
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