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2016-2017 Catalog
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ARTH - Art History
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CHIN - Chinese Studies
CLAS - Classical Studies
COGS - Cognitive Science
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HIST - History
United States
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Middle East and Africa
ITAL - Italian
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LLAS - Latino/a Latin American Studies
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2016-2017 Catalog
> HIST - History
HIST - History
HIST 101
United States Culture and Society I
HIST 102
United States Culture and Society II
HIST 116
American Jewish History
HIST 206
History of American Women
HIST 208
Immigrants in America, 1492 to the Present
HIST 209
The United States in the World Since 1900
HIST 210
History of California
HIST 213
19th Century Black Activism for Abolition and Equality
HIST 216
American Jewish History
HIST 277
Women and Community Health
HIST 295
Topics in History
HIST 304
The American Revolution, 1760-1815
HIST 306
The Emergence of Modern America: The United States 1919-1945
HIST 307
Happy Days? America 1946-1963
HIST 309
Slavery in the Antebellum South
HIST 390
Research Seminar
HIST 395
Special Topics in History
HIST 121
Antiquity to 1700: Europe and the Middle East
HIST 122
Europe 1700 to the Present
HIST 220
Ancient Athens and Renaissance Florence
HIST 223
Rise of French Culture
HIST 224
Marco Polo to Machiavelli: Italian Renaissance and Exploration
HIST 226
Age of Encounters
HIST 230
European Intellectual History
HIST 234
The Crisis of Interwar Europe
HIST 235
Twentieth Century Europe
HIST 236
Jewish Life in Europe
HIST 237
History of Feminism
HIST 271
Herstory: Women in European Culture
HIST 328
The Age of Enlightenment
HIST 330
The French Revolution and the Birth of Haiti
HIST 336
Modern Italy, 1789 to the Present
HIST 337
The Great Depression
HIST 345
The Holocaust: History, Testimony, and Memory
HIST 141
East Asian Survey Since 1600
HIST 242
Imperial China
HIST 243
Modern China: Colonialism, Nationalism, and Revolution
HIST 245
China and the World
HIST 246
Pre Modern Korea
HIST 247
Premodern Japan
HIST 248
Modern Japan
HIST 249
Modern Korea
HIST 344
Contemporary China: Reform, Rise, and Crisis
HIST 150
Colonial Latin America
HIST 151
Modern Latin America
HIST 252
Religion in Mexico, PreColumbian Times to Present
HIST 253
Modern Mexico City
HIST 258
Mexican Politics in the Twentieth Century
HIST 354
The History of Race in Latin America
HIST 355
Indians of Mexico
HIST 357
Environmental History of Mesoamerica
HIST 359
Mexico-United States Borderlands
HIST 182
The Social and Cultural History of the Modern Middle East
HIST 183
Middle Eastern History Since the Nineteenth Century
HIST 282
The Muslim World in Modern Times
HIST 283
Peasant, Tribe, and Nation in the Middle East
HIST 385
Identity Formation in the Modern Middle East and Africa
HIST 274
Medicine and Disease in Western Society
HIST 278
Twentieth Century Decolonization in Global Perspective
HIST 312
Race, Rights, and Revolution in the Atlantic World
HIST 353
Catholicism and Social Justice in the Americas
HIST 376
Genocide and the Ethical Crisis of Modernity
HIST 397
Independent Study
HIST 300
History Colloquium
HIST 397
Independent Study
HIST 490
Senior Seminar
HIST 495
Honors Seminar
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