University Student Handbook

I. Bylaws of the University Student Senate

The name of this organization shall be the Student Senate of Northwestern Health Sciences University. At all times, the Student Senate is subject to the supervision and discretion of the University.

Article I - Organization Mission and Purpose

The mission of the Student Senate is to function as a liaison between the student body and the Northwestern community, while enhancing the student experience.

The purpose of this organization shall be to:

  1. Serve as an advocate and role model for the student body;
  2. Facilitate communication between students and the Northwestern community;
  3. Provide opportunities for service to the community;
  4. Assist in the academic enrichment of students and provide extra-curricular opportunities for integration of students; and
  5. Provide opportunities to enrich the student experience.

Article II - Organization Structure

Section A – Conduct of Business

The Student Senate of Northwestern Health Sciences University shall hold regular business meetings at least twice per month excluding those with an inter-trimester break. Any student of Northwestern Health Sciences University, whether a Senate member or not, shall be allowed to attend a Senate meeting. Any University student has the right to make a request, in advance, for an item to be placed on the agenda, but does not have voting rights. A non-senate member does not have the right to request the floor. In order to speak, prior arrangements must be made with the President of the Senate. The Senate may solicit reports from other organizations or individuals regarding concerns of current interest such as government affairs or professional affairs. Guests presenting such reports may be requested to do so on a regular basis.

Section B – Quorums

Student Senate Meetings. A majority of the elected Senators shall constitute a quorum at the business meeting of the Senate.

Student Body Meetings. A majority of each program of the student body shall constitute a quorum for a general student body meeting.

Section C – Procedural Rules

Subdivision 1

Robert's Rules of Order shall govern the meetings of the general student body and the Student Senate.

Subdivision 2

Suggested Agenda

  1. Call to Order
  2. Committee time
  3. Roll Call
  4. Approval of the Minutes
  5. Officer Reports
  6. Committee Reports
  7. Unfinished Business
  8. New Business
  9. Announcements
  10. Adjournment

Subdivision 3

Votes of the Student Senate shall be decided by a majority. The presiding officer shall vote only in the case of a tie.

Section D – Officers: Eligibility and Terms

The student body shall duly nominate and elect from its members the following officers of the Student Senate: President, Vice Presidents for each program, Secretary, Treasurer, and Parliamentarian. Student Senate officers shall not concurrently hold a position of President or Vice President in any other student organization. Student Senate Officers must be in good academic standing at the time of election and throughout their term or they will be relieved of the office by the Parliamentarian with notice from the Vice President of Student Affairs and Dean of Students. If an officer drops below part time enrollment, they will be relieved of the office by the Parliamentarian with notice from Dean of Students and Alumni Services.


  • Eligibility: Students wishing to run for President of the Student Senate must have been enrolled in classes for at least three trimesters, but no more than six trimesters in their current program at the time of election. Those seeking the position of President must attend at least five Senate meetings during the trimester preceding the election.
  • Term: The Presidential term lasts one year, or until the time of March elections.

Vice Presidents

  • Eligibility: Students wishing to run for Vice-President of their program must have been enrolled in classes for at least one trimester but no more than six trimesters in their current program at the time of election.
  • Term: Terms will last for one year, until the date of graduation, or until the time of March elections, whichever is earlier. Those seeking the position of Vice-President must attend at least three Senate meetings during the trimester preceding the election.

Secretary, Treasurer, Parliamentarian

  • Eligibility: Students wishing to run for the offices of Secretary, Treasurer or Parliamentarian must have been enrolled in classes for at least one trimester but no more than six trimesters in their current program at the time of election. They must be able to fulfill a one-year term of office. Those seeking these positions must attend at least three Senate meetings during the trimester prior to the election.
  • Term: Terms will last for one year from the time of election. In the case of a midterm election, the term will last until the time of March elections.

Section E – Senators: Eligibility and Terms


  • Eligibility: Any student is eligible to be a Senator. Senators from each class may be elected by the ratio of 1 representative for every 15 full-time students. There must be a minimum of 2 Senators and a maximum of no more than 6 Senators for every class.
  • Term: Terms will last one year with elections in the summer trimester. There is no limit to the number of terms a student may be elected Senator. The Student Senate Parliamentarian will announce Senator vacancies to the class and ask for nominations to fill the position. In the case of replacing a Senator, the class represented by that Senator will nominate and elect a new Senator. The senator election will be coordinated by the Vice-President of that program and the Student Senate Parliamentarian. A nomination form must be signed and an in-class election will then take place.

Alternate Senator

  • Eligibility: Any student is eligible to be an Alternate Senator. Any student participating in a Senator election but unable to represent his/her class due to the limit imposed by the ratio of 1 representative for every 15 students, with a limit of no more than 6 senators per class, may voluntarily elect to become a Senate Alternate. There may be no more than 2 Alternate Senators per class. In the situation where there would be more than 2 Alternate Senators, the Student Senate Parliamentarian will coordinate an Alternate Senator election. Split trimester students may fill a vacant spot representing the class of the term after the one they have successfully completed and are currently enrolled in.
  • Term: Terms will last one year, or until then end of the Winter Term.

Section F – Officers

Subdivision 1

Rules of Succession If the position of President needs to be replaced, there will be an in Senate election between the Vice Presidents, overseen by the Dean of Students and Alumni Services. If a Vice President cannot hold the office, then the succession of replacement will be: Parliamentarian, Secretary, Treasurer, and Senators. The position of President must then be nominated, elected, and approved by a majority Student Senate vote.

Subdivision 2

Duties of the Officers


  1. Conduct meetings of the Senate, and provide leadership in the development of general objectives.
  2. Serve as a role model to students in terms of professional conduct.
  3. Appoint ad hoc committees, and appoint student positions on University committees.
  4. Promote Senate objectives and activities to students and serve to inform and educate students, faculty, administration, alumni, and professional associations as appropriate.
  5. Convey a clear understanding of procedures to encourage greater participation in Senate activities and actively recruit Senators.
  6. Coordinate the Teacher of the Year elections.
  7. Meet with the Student Senate Cabinet monthly.
  8. Assist other officers in their duties.
  9. Prepare an agenda for each meeting.
  10. Respond to official correspondence.
  11. Must sit on university administrative committees when requested or delegate a qualified representative from the cabinet or senate.

Vice Presidents

  1. Assume responsibilities of the President in their absence.
  2. Fulfill other responsibilities as assigned by the President to include, but not limited to: new Senator Orientation, attendance at ad hoc committee meetings, attendance at other meetings, and assistance in planning the annual Student Leadership Award Dinner.
  3. Serve as a liaison between the programs and the Senate President.
  4. Appoint standing committee chairs in the absence of nominations.
  5. Act as a liaison to Student Organizations by communication with respective club leaders and by inviting them to make tri-annual announcements at Senate meetings.
  6. Participate in the Senate Committees they oversee.


  1. Maintain order and ensure proper parliamentary procedure in Senate meetings.
  2. Maintain Senate information boards and calendar.
  3. Conduct all votes in Student Senate meetings and all general student elections for officers and Senators.
  4. Announce Senate officer requirements to the student body at the beginning of each trimester during which such elections are to be held.
  5. Announce to individual classes and programs unoccupied senate seats.
  6. Enforce the Senate meeting attendance policy.
  7. Maintain and continually update Bylaws.
  8. Maintain the photo board and arrange for pictures of Senate members to be taken by the end of the third meeting of the trimester.
  9. Update and produce the Student Senate Directory.


  1. Record minutes of Senate meetings in detail including votes tabulated and attendance.
  2. Distribute the minutes of the Senate Meetings via e-mail to the Senate as well as post a copy on the Senate Bulletin Board.
  3. Advertise for Student Senate, as required.
  4. Assist committees with proposals and correspondence.
  5. Collect minutes from committee meetings.
  6. File agendas, minutes, and records of senate events for reference in the Senate Office.
  7. Work directly with the Parliamentarian on coordinating lists of attendance.
  8. Create an e-mail list and members list including all Senate members by the end of the second meeting of the trimester.


  1. Maintain financial records for the Senate.
  2. Accept deposits and issue disbursements as authorized.
  3. Prepare budget outlines each trimester, and aid committees in the process of budget forecasting.
  4. Provide Senate budget status reports as requested by the President.
  5. Prepare a financial report at the end of each trimester, and submit for publication with Senate minutes.
  6. Assist in the budget proposal process by preparing budget packets and track budget decisions for student organizations.
  7. Prepare past budget history for the Budget Committee.


  1. Serve to represent their class.
  2. Attend all scheduled Senate meetings.
  3. Actively participate in Senate and serve on at least one Student Senate committee.
  4. Encourage student body awareness and participation in student functions by regular announcements to student class constituents.
  5. Sit on a University Administrative Committee to represent the student body as requested by the Senate.

Senate Alternate

  1. Serve to represent their class.
  2. Attend all scheduled Senate meetings.
  3. Actively participate in Senate and serve on at least one Student Senate committee.
  4. Encourage student body awareness and participation in student functions by regular announcements to student class constituents.
  5. May be asked to sit on a University Administrative Committee to represent the student body as requested by Senate.
  6. May participate in all pre-motion discussions.
  7. Make not make or second any motion to the Senate.
  8. May not participate in further discussion once a motion has been made to the Senate.
  9. May not vote on any motion made to the Senate, unless acting as a senator pursuant to #10.
  10. May participate as a senator in the event of a representative from their class missing a meeting.

Post-Term Duties of an Officer

  1. The former President shall be required to sit as an Ex-Officio member of the Student Senate for at least one trimester and can elect to sit for up to three trimesters following the completion of their elected term and be available for consultation until they graduate.
  2. The Vice Presidents, Secretary, Treasurer, and the Parliamentarian shall sit on the Student Senate for at least three meetings following completion of their terms of office and be available for consultations until they graduate.

These positions shall be non-voting positions if they are not elected representatives of the class. Failure to fulfill the duties of an officer will be handled in accordance with Article III.

Article III – Elections, Recall, Replacement

Section A – Officers

Individual nomination petitions shall be the nominating forum for Senate officers, which will be distributed by the Student Senate Parliamentarian. Election of the nominees shall be within two (2) weeks following nominations, not later than one week prior to the beginning of final exams. Elections shall be held in March with the newly elected officers to take office at the beginning of the summer trimester. The election should be announced two weeks in advance, with the location and voting hours posted. A student running for an executive office must obtain twenty-five (25) student signatures in order to be nominated for that office.

The election shall be held in the University Auditorium Foyer. All students voting shall be checked off a master registration list for each class and program. The elections shall be on a minimum of two consecutive days with at least one day that accommodates upper level trimester students of all programs with their schedules in the public clinics.

Campaigning, activities directed at being elected by or on behalf of the candidates, may not commence until after the due date for the nomination forms. The candidate must remove campaign posters and cease campaigning by 6 pm the day before the elections commence. Violations of these rules will result in disqualification. Enforcement of these rules is the responsibility of the parliamentarian and election committee.

Section B – Senators

A reasonable attempt to notify all class members must be made at least two (2) weeks before the election or replacement of Senate representatives. A student running for senator must obtain ten (10) student signatures from members of his or her class.

All Senators are elected within the first two weeks of the summer trimester. Trimester 1 students who begin in either the Fall or the Winter trimester will be elected within the first two weeks of the trimester they enter, and must be re-elected the following March.

Section C – Election Committee

An Election committee shall be composed of three non-candidates chosen by the Student Senate two weeks prior to election date. The election committee must be represented by at least two (2) different class levels and at least two different programs. The duties of the election committee shall include preparation of ballots, ballot distribution, poll watching, final vote tabulation and reporting, and incidentals germane to the performance of these tasks. The committee shall not open the ballot box for tabulation until all eligible students have voted. The committee shall store all the ballots in a secure administrative area before, between, and after the polls are open and keep the marked ballots in a secure administrative area when the committee is not in the process of counting votes. The committee shall determine the absentee voting procedure with the stipulation that all absentee ballots shall be paper ballots.

Section D – Vote Tabulation

The election process will be supervised by the Parliamentarian. The counting of the ballots must be within three (3) class days of the election. Such a count shall be performed by the election committee

Section E – Replacement Of Officers

  1. Resignations: All resignations must be presented to the Senate in writing. Upon resignation of an office, regardless of when in the course of a term it may occur, and in the absence of a previously delineated succession, replacement shall occur by solicitation of qualified student constituent for the position. A quorum Student Senate vote will be utilized to replace the office.
  2. Dismissal: Officers may be dismissed by the Dean of Students and Alumni Services or by a majority Senate vote for violations of University policies, Student Senate bylaws, or for failure to fulfill his/her officer responsibilities.

    An officer will be dismissed by the Parliamentarian of the Student Senate if three unexcused absences from Senate meetings are incurred in a single trimester. An excused absence may be granted at the discretion of the Parliamentarian. Notification of the reason for absence must be made to the Parliamentarian the day of the meeting or earlier if possible.

Section F – Replacement of Senators

  1. Resignations: All resignations must be presented to the Senate in writing. Upon resignation of a senator, the class represented can elect a replacement to finish the term of office.
  2. Dismissal: A dismissal petition must be signed by a majority of the students of the class represented. Such petition must be presented to the Senate. Once the Senate is informed, the class shall hold an election coordinated by the respective programs Vice-President and the Student Senate Parliamentarian.

    A senator will be dismissed if three unexcused absences of Senate meetings are incurred in a single trimester. Once a senator has been dismissed, he/she is no longer eligible to represent their class. An excused absence may be granted at the discretion of the Parliamentarian. Notification of the reason for absence must be made to the Parliamentarian the day of the meeting or earlier if possible.

Article IV - Committees

Section A – Senate Committees

The Student Senate will maintain standing committees that will meet independently of Student Senate meetings and focus upon certain areas of student activities. At the beginning of each trimester, each committee will set goals for that trimester. In order to achieve these goals, the function of each committee is to solicit input from the student body, prepare a budget, review proposals for recommendation, and conduct activities within the committee's assigned area. Additional functions of each committee can be assigned by Senate motion and majority vote.

Committees shall be chaired by any Senate member. Chairpersons shall be nominated and voted in by members of the Senate. In the absence of stated interest, the president will appoint a chairperson and confirmation will be subject to Senate approval. Any committee chairperson can be replaced at any time without cause by 2/3 majority vote of the Student Senate.

Reports and minutes of committee proceedings shall be filed with the Student Senate secretary, and announced at meetings as required.

Section B – University Committees

The Student Senate President shall appoint Senate members to be representatives on University Committees. When the proceedings of such meetings are not of a confidential nature, the student representative shall be responsible for making reports to the Senate as required.

Article V – Student Senate Oath

"I, a duly elected member of the Student Senate of Northwestern Health Sciences University, do hereby swear that I will advance the aims and objectives of the Student Senate as stated in its Constitution. I swear that I will uphold the honored name which Northwestern Health Sciences University bears.

"I do further swear that I will be faithful in the attendance of the meetings of the Student Senate, in the performance of any specific duty which may be entrusted to me, and in aiding and supporting every undertaking of the Student Senate.

"I do further swear that I will be conscious of my responsibilities towards my fellow students, and that I will help to legislate in their best interests."

Article VI - Additional Considerations

Section A – Constitution/By-Law Amendment

This document may be amended only by a majority vote of the Student Senate.

Section B – General Meetings Of The University Student Body

An official student body meeting can be called by the Student Senate President, the Student Senate Cabinet, or by petition if such petition clearly contains authorization by at least 20% of each program of all enrolled students in the student body and clearly states the proposed time, place, and purpose of such meeting three days prior. The petition must be presented to the Senate and the Vice President of Student Affairs and Dean of Students. The President or other designated official shall preside over the meeting.

Section C – Financial Records

The financial records of the Senate may be audited by an auditing committee chosen by the Senate. This committee will not include the Treasurer. The audit may be performed annually one month prior to the general election or during the week following the April spring break. The University retains the right to audit the financial records at any time.

Article VII - Senate Sponsored Activities and Facilities

Section A – Student Body Press

The Yearbook is the official annual publication of the university student body.

  1. Editorial responsibility: The Student Senate shall maintain editorial responsibility for official student publications.
  2. Editor Staff: The Editor and Associate Editor of the Yearbook shall be appointed by the Senate, in conjunction with the office of Student Affairs. The Editor shall be in office for one year and be succeeded by the Associate Editor. Where upon the Student Senate shall select a new Associate Editor. The editorial staff shall render a written financial report and make budgetary requests as required. In case of vacancy of the office of Editor, the Associate Editor shall succeed to the office and/or a new Associate Editor shall be appointed by the Senate to fulfill the office.
  3. Recall: The procedure for removal of editorial staff shall be by petition as for officers pursuant to Article III section F2, or by a two-thirds vote of the Senate.
  4. The Student Senate shall contribute $2000 to the Yearbook every trimester. In addition, the Yearbook’s budget shall be funded by a portion of each student's Activity Fee to equal an amount of $3.50 per student per trimester. The number of students to be used for this budget shall be the number of students paying an Activity Fee for that trimester as of the second week of school for that trimester.
  5. The yearbook must report progress to the Student Senate once per trimester, or risk loss of funds for the following trimester.

Section B – University Fitness Center

The Northwestern Health Sciences University Fitness Center is a facility that is fully funded by a set portion of each student's Activity Fee each trimester. The Fitness Center incorporates aerobic exercise, weight machines, and various free weight equipment. The Fitness Center allows the users to utilize the equipment in an effort to promote physical and mental well-being.

  1. The Fitness Center's budget shall be funded by a portion of each student's Activity Fee to equal an amount of $6.00 per student per trimester. The number of students to be used for this budget shall be the number of students paying an Activity Fee for that trimester as of the second week of school for that trimester.
  2. The Fitness Center Supervisor shall be nominated by the outgoing Fitness Center Supervisor and / or Chair of the Student Senate House Committee, with approval of the Dean of Students and Alumni Services, and approval shall be decided upon by the Senate by a majority vote. The term shall be for one year.
  3. The Fitness Center reports to the Northwestern Health Sciences University Student Senate House Committee, and the office of Student Affairs, and will submit weekly reports.
  4. If any one piece of equipment costs more than $750.00, the Fitness Center must get full Senate approval to purchase that piece of equipment.
  5. Northwestern Health Sciences University's student's families, alumni, faculty, staff and employees are allowed the use the Fitness Center free of charge.

Section C – Student Lounge

The Student Lounge is for the exclusive use of the student body for entertainment and relaxation purposes.

  1. Use of the Student Lounge by Organizations: Any recognized student organization may use the Student Lounge provided they obtain Administrative authorization by completing a Facility Request form through the Student Affairs office. Organizations must also receive approval for Student Lounge use by the Student Senate at least one week prior to the event. Any Student Organization causing damage to the Student Lounge during an event may forfeit future Student Senate funding until damages are covered.
  2. Any person causing damage to the Student Lounge shall lose all privileges to use the Student Lounge for one trimester and will be required to pay for all damages. Allegations will be forwarded to the Dean of Students and Alumni Services for review. Other sanctions may follow.