Article IV - Committees
Section A – Senate Committees
The Student Senate will maintain standing committees that will meet independently of Student Senate meetings and focus upon certain areas of student activities. At the beginning of each trimester, each committee will set goals for that trimester. In order to achieve these goals, the function of each committee is to solicit input from the student body, prepare a budget, review proposals for recommendation, and conduct activities within the committee's assigned area. Additional functions of each committee can be assigned by Senate motion and majority vote.
Committees shall be chaired by any Senate member. Chairpersons shall be nominated and voted in by members of the Senate. In the absence of stated interest, the president will appoint a chairperson and confirmation will be subject to Senate approval. Any committee chairperson can be replaced at any time without cause by 2/3 majority vote of the Student Senate.
Reports and minutes of committee proceedings shall be filed with the Student Senate secretary, and announced at meetings as required.
Section B – University Committees
The Student Senate President shall appoint Senate members to be representatives on University Committees. When the proceedings of such meetings are not of a confidential nature, the student representative shall be responsible for making reports to the Senate as required.