University Student Handbook

Drug and Alcohol Use Policy

Northwestern’s alcohol and drug policy is designed to support its mission to graduate competent and caring health professionals. The university is committed to creating a safe and welcoming environment for students, staff and guests. To facilitate this, the campus alcohol and drug policy is clearly laid out and distributed to all students and staff.

The unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession, or use of any controlled substance or illegal drug is prohibited on campus, while on university business or as part of any of the university’s activities. The unauthorized possession, use or distribution of alcohol on campus, while on University business or as part of any of the University’s activities is prohibited. The workplace and campus are presumed to include all university premises where the activities of the university are conducted. Storing any unauthorized controlled substances, drug paraphernalia or alcohol in a locker, desk, university owned vehicle or other place on university owned or occupied premises is prohibited. At certain sanctioned University functions, alcoholic beverages may be allowed.

Those who violate the drug and alcohol use policy will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including dismissal. Employees and students who violate this policy may be referred for criminal prosecution.

It is the responsibility of employees and students to know and comply with this policy. The use of controlled substances/illegal drugs or narcotics and the service of or selling of alcohol to those under 21 years of age are against the law. Many states will not grant license privileges to graduates convicted of a federal offense.

This alcohol and drug policy applies to all functions on the Northwestern Health Sciences University campus as well as all university-sponsored events off campus. This policy is subject to the jurisdiction of the University Cabinet. State and municipal laws require that no one under 21 years of age may be served alcoholic beverages.

Legal Sanctions

There are significant criminal penalties under state and federal law for the unlawful possession or distribution of alcohol and illicit drugs. Penalties include:

  • Consumption of alcohol by a minor--up to a $700 fine and /or 90 days in jail.
  • Illegal sale of alcohol—up to $3,000 fine and/or 1 year in jail.
  • Possession of a small amount of marijuana—up to a $200 fine.
  • Sale or possession of controlled substances—up to a $1,000,000 fine and/or 30 years in jail.

A host or organization accepting donations or charging for alcoholic beverages served may, in some circumstances, be guilty of selling liquor without a license and may also be liable if someone served becomes intoxicated and his or her behavior results in injury or loss to another person. Both criminal and civil liability can result.

Please refer to state and federal statutes for further sanctions related to drug and alcohol use. 

Alcohol Policy for Student Organization Sponsored Events

Use of alcohol at Northwestern Health Sciences University student organization sponsored sanctioned events is restricted, in accordance with state laws and regulations. It is the policy of the University to prohibit the use or abuse of alcoholic beverages on its premises with the exception of the approved use of alcoholic beverages at official University functions. Alcohol abuse will not be tolerated at any Northwestern Health Sciences University event.

The necessary approval must be obtained by the Student Organization through the Office of Student Affairs at least two weeks prior to the scheduled event. The final approval of all student organization sponsored events on campus where alcohol will be served rests with the President of the University.


Any student organization sponsored University sanctioned event in which alcohol will be served is required to have monitors to make sure the guidelines are being followed.

The policies below must be followed when planning an event to be conducted on campus:

  • It is unlawful to consume alcohol if individuals are under the legal drinking age of 21.
  • It is unlawful to serve alcohol to an individual who is under 21 years of age.
  • No person who appears to be intoxicated will be served alcoholic beverages at a Northwestern Health Sciences University event.
  • Proper proof of identification (a valid driver’s license or government-issued identification card with photograph) is required at all student-sponsored events at which alcohol is served.
  • Non-alcoholic beverages shall be provided free of charge at all functions serving alcoholic beverages.
  • Food must be provided free of charge at all functions where alcohol is served.
  • Alcohol must be provided free of charge, at a maximum of two drinks per individual.
  • Event monitors must be present in the ratio of 1:25 students and will be readily identifiable.
  • Service of alcohol is to cease one-half hour prior to the announced time that the event is scheduled to end.
  • Alcohol provided at the event is not to leave the premises of the grounds and/or facility at which the beverages are being served.
  • The student organization advisor, or another institutional representative, must be present for the duration of the event.
  • All sponsors and hosts of events at which alcohol is served are to make arrangements to provide “designated driver” services, or alternative supervised transportation, and must either announce or post readily-visible signs at the event to inform guests that such services are available.

Sponsor’s Responsibility

Student Organization appointed monitors must not serve any person who may not be legally served or who appears to be intoxicated. The monitor has the obligation to prevent consumption by such persons and to control those who appear to be intoxicated, since such persons place the participants and community at risk. Monitors must provide alternative supervised transportation for any person who appears to be intoxicated.

Any student of Northwestern Health Sciences University, or any club or organization sanctioned by the University must adhere to this policy. Any person(s) found to be in violation of the rules set forth in this policy risks suspension from the University, or loss of sanction for clubs and the privileges afforded such University-associated organizations.

Alcohol Policy for University Sponsored Student Events

Use of alcohol at Northwestern Health Sciences University sanctioned student events is restricted, in accordance with state laws and regulations. It is the policy of the University to prohibit the use or abuse of alcoholic beverages on its premises with the exception of the approved use of alcoholic beverages at official University functions. Alcohol abuse will not be tolerated at any Northwestern Health Sciences University event.

The necessary approval must be obtained at least two weeks prior to the scheduled event. The final approval of all events on campus where alcohol will be served rests with University President.

The policies below must be followed when planning an event to be conducted on campus:

  • It is unlawful to consume alcohol if individuals are under the legal drinking age of 21.
  • It is unlawful to serve alcohol to an individual who is under 21 years of age.
  • No person who appears to be intoxicated will be served alcoholic beverages at a Northwestern Health Sciences University event.
  • Proper proof of identification (a valid driver’s license or government-issued identification card with photograph) is required, and may be checked, at all events at which alcohol is served.
  • Non-alcoholic beverages shall be provided free of charge at all functions serving alcoholic beverages.
  • A maximum of two free drinks per individual may be allotted.
  • Food must be provided free of charge at all functions where alcohol is served.
  • Alcohol provided at the event is not to leave the premises of the grounds and/or facility at which the beverages are being served.