College of Chiropractic Intern’s Clinic Handbook 2021-2022

6.2 Business Card Policy

Business cards for use during clinical internship may be used by students. The following procedures must be adhered to for interns who wish to use business cards.

There are two options for generating business cards:

  1. Create your own.
    1. The card may contain your name and the clinic address.
    2. You must indicate you are an intern. Using a designation indicating you are a doctor is prohibited (ex: DC, Dr., Chiropractor, etc.).
    3. No personal communication information is allowed (ex: home phone, cell phone, email, Facebook, Twitter addresses, etc.).
    4. Indicating any approach to health care is prohibited (ex: patient-centered approach, chiropractic care, nutrition, neurology, functional medicine, etc.).
    5. Use of the University or college logo is prohibited.
    6. After the final printing and prior to distributing the business cards, you must submit your business card to, and obtain approval from, Clinical Education.

      To minimize the possibility of having to reprint your business cards, you are welcome to submit a proof of the business card to Clinical Education prior to printing.

  2. Use your faculty clinician’s business card
    1. Must have their permission.
    2. Write your name on the back.
    3. You must indicate you are an intern. Using a designation indicating you are a doctor is prohibited (ex: DC, Dr., Chiropractor, etc.).
    4. No personal communication information is allowed (ex: home phone, cell phone, email, Facebook, Twitter addresses, etc.).