Student Right to Know
The Student Right-to-Know Act of 1990 requires North Shore Community College to disclose statistics to all enrolled and prospective students regarding the graduation rates of undergraduate students. This information is drawn directly from the National Center for Education Statistics website and is updated every year as new information becomes available. Students can access this information on the Student Right-to-Know website.
Federal Measures of Student Success:
150% Graduation Rate of the First Time Full Time Degree Seeking Cohort enrolled in Fall 2019 and graduated by Fall 2022*:
Graduation rate after three years:
Transfer rate after three years:
Combined Graduation & Transfer Rate after three years:
Retention Rate from Fall to Fall, First Time Full time Degree Seeking Cohort, Fall 2021 to Fall 2022:
Retention Rate from Fall to Fall, First Time Part time Degree Seeking Cohort, Fall 2021 to Fall 2022:
200% Graduation Rate of the First Time Full Time Degree Seeking Cohort enrolled in Fall 2018 and graduated by Fall 2022*:
Grad Rate data supplied by IPEDS Survey filed Winter 2023. Retention Data supplied by IPEDS Survey filed 2023
All information pertaining to the Student Right to Know Act is communicated to all students each term, via email from the Dean of Academic & Student Development. The Student Handbook contains reference to The Student Right to Know Act, and directs all students to the Student Right to Know website for greater detail.
Voluntary Frameworks of Accountability:
North Shore Community College participates annually in the Voluntary Frameworks of Accountability. VFA is a national metrics model developed by the American Association of Community Colleges. This model is designed specifically for community colleges to more accurately report the successes of community college students, who are more likely to attend college on a both a full and part time basis over a longer period of time while working, caring for family members, and supporting themselves.
Voluntary Frameworks of Accountability Results
These data represent students who first entered the college in the Fall of 2016 (or the summer before) and their progress by the end of six years. As the majority of NSCC students enroll part-time, this is a more complete measure of success than the IPEDS graduation rate.