CPS101 Computer Science 1 (Java 1)
This course is an introduction to computer programming through the use of the Java programming language. The range of topics includes fundamentals of Java, creation of Java programs, the development and testing environments, Java application programming, and applet programming with web applications, data types, control structures, arrays (single and multidimensional), and an introduction to objects, classes and methods. Emphasis will be on object- oriented design and programming skills. Topics will be reinforced through exercises in writing programs for varied applications. Fulfills open, liberal arts and computer language electives. Students entering this course should be able to use the Windows Interface to locate, create, and manipulate files, and folders. (4 lecture hours per week)
Communications Proficiency and
MAT151 with 'C' or better or CCMR score of 40 or above
- EUT - Energy Utility Directed Elective
- GE - Pre-Engineering Elective
- LA - Liberal Arts Elective
- NDIR - Nurse Ed Directed Elective
- OPEN - Open Elective
- WD - Web Development