Associate of Arts - University Studies

Except for the 21-22 hours of general education requirements, no prescribed program of study is required for this degree. You may take a wide variety of subjects or concentrate all studies beyond the general education requirements in a single discipline. All other associate degree requirements must be met (see Associate Degree Requirements). For more information, see your advisor or visit the Student Service Center, 207 Rader Hall, in the Caudill College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, 606-783-9446.

Program Competencies

Students will:

  1. Speak effectively in conversational, small group, public or intercultural contexts.
  2. Read college-level texts for comprehension.
  3. Write effectively for a variety of target audiences using conventions associated with standard English.
  4. Employ current research technologies in the process of locating, analyzing, evaluating and using information.
  5. Analyze or evaluate diverse points of view.
  6. Articulate ethical consequences of decisions or actions.
  7. Apply knowledge and skills to new settings.
  8. Analyze problems using arithmetic, geometric, algebraic or statistical methods.
  9. Use deductive reasoning in a formal, symbolic, axiomatic system.
  10. Verify answers to mathematical or scientific problems.

Program Requirements

The associate degree requires students to:

  1. Complete a minimum of 60 credit hours of prescribed and elective college credit. See the academic programs section of this catalog for the specific requirements of your program. A prescribed program is not required for the Associate of Arts in University Studies.
  2. Earn a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 on all work at the University.
  3. Complete at least 21 credit hours at Morehead State University, including one semester preceding graduation.
  4. Complete the three credit-hour FYS 101: First Year Seminar course during the first academic year if the student begins as a freshman or transfers to MSU with less than 24 credit hours.
  5. For students with 24 or more transfer credit hours, the FYS 101 requirement is waived but the student must complete an additional course in social and behavioral sciences to meet general education requirements.
  6. Complete 21-22 credit hours of general education requirements.


Electives 100-level and above(chosen by student)


Total Credit Hours:38-39

General Education

See associate degree general education section for a complete listing. Program requirements that are also general education requirements will count in both places (as applicable).

Level 1 Foundations

FYS 101First Year Seminar


ENG 100Writing I


ENG 200Writing II


COMS 108Fundamentals of Speech Communication


MATH 123, 131, 135, 152, 174, or 175(Choose One)


Total Credit Hours:15-16

Level 2 Knowledge Social & Behavioral Sciences (SBS)

ECON 101Introduction to Economics


ECON 201Principles of Macroeconomics


FIN 264Personal Finance


HLTH 151Wellness: Theory to Action


HST 261American History since 1865


POLS 100Introduction to Politics


POLS 140United States Government


PSY 154Introduction to Psychology


SOC 101Introduction to Sociology


Total Credit Hours:3

Level 3 Global Cultures Arts & Humanities (HUM)

ART 263World Arts


COMS 250Introduction to Intercultural Communication


COMS 290Conflict and Communication


IST 101Introduction to International Studies


IST 250International Culture and Diversity


PHIL 106Beginning Logic


POLS 110Introduction to Political Theory


SPA 101Spanish Language and Culture I


UTCH 250Perspectives on Science and Mathematics


Total Credit Hours:3

Total Credit Hours: 60