ASTR 105 Your Cosmic Context

(3-0-3) The purpose of this course is to introduce students to our current understanding of the Universe, how it works, and how we gain information about it. The course will give students an introduction to modern cosmology. Ninety-five percent of the mass/energy contained in the Universe is comprised of Dark Matter and Dark Energy and remains poorly understood. Great discoveries can still be made in modern cosmology, making it an exciting topic in modern astronomy and astrophysics. In this class students will learn how we find the clues and information that form the basis of our current understanding of the cosmos. An emphasis is placed on a description of "How do we know what we know'' about cosmology as a way to illustrate how scientists work and how modern science is conducted. Lastly, this class will also help strengthen critical thinking skills of students. This course satisfies the NSC II requirement for general education.
