Admission Pathways

Unconditional Admission

If a first-time freshman applicant provides all required documentation and test scores with the application, has an admission index of 500 or higher, a minimum ACT composite of 18 (or SAT equivalent), and meets all admission requirements, he or she will be admitted "unconditionally."

Provisional Admission

A first-time freshman applicant who has an admission index of 475-499, can be admitted “provisionally” to a four-year program, but must participate in the Eagle Success Program. See Eagle Success Program for additional information.

Conditional Admission

A first-time freshman applicant who has an admission index of 450-474 can be admitted “conditionally.” Students admitted to this pathway will be enrolled in an associate’s degree program or successfully complete the Success Academy in the summer prior to the fall semester enrollment.

Students admitted into an associate’s degree program have the option to switch to a bachelor’s degree program upon completion of 24 credit hours with a minimum 2.0 GPA. 

Students who successfully complete the Success Academy (see below) will be provisionally admitted into a bachelor degree program in the fall semester.

Applicants who have an admission index below 450 will be denied and must successfully appeal to be admitted.

Unless exempted, applicants who do not meet the Kentucky Pre-College Curriculum (PCC) must successfully satisfy the PCC within their first 24 credit hours. 

Undergraduate Admissions may admit students when special circumstances exist and where students can demonstrate their ability to matriculate at MSU.

Summer Success Academy Pathway

A first-time freshman applicant who has been admitted “conditionally” is strongly encouraged to participate in the Success Academy, a five-week summer program designed to help students transition from high school to college. Students achieving a 2.50 GPA in the Success Academy, will be admitted to MSU as a provisionally admitted student in the bachelor's track for the next term as opposed to the associate only track.

Students with an admission index below 450 have the option to appeal their admission status with the Eagle Success Program Appeal Committee. If approved through this process, additional criteria and connection to resources may be required, including but not limited to attendance to Success Academy.

Note: Per KRS 13 KAR 2:020 Kentucky students with a high school GPA between 2.0 - 2.499 are required to complete a Learning Contract with Morehead State University. This contract defines the academic expectations for students in this category and outlines institutional and student commitment for achieving success. Learning Contract students are required to fully participate in the Eagle Success Program until meeting stipulated exit criteria.