
Any student, who after one probation semester does not achieve a semester GPA of 2.0 or the cumulative GPA necessary to meet scholastic standing guidelines (listed in UAR 123) is subject to suspension from the University. The suspension period following a fall semester is the spring semester; following a spring semester, the suspension period is for the summer terms and fall semester. During a suspension period, a student will be ineligible to enroll for any credits at MSU.

Students suspended under this policy have the following two options:

  1. Appeal by petitioning the Academic Standards and Appeals Committee - If the student believes the suspension was the result of circumstances beyond his or her control, he or she may appeal the decision to the Committee on Academic Standards and Appeals. If an appeal of the suspension is granted, the student must meet all additional requirements set forth by the Committee on Academic Standards and Appeals to return. The committee may, in some cases, waive the requirement that the student have attempted 30 semester hours before declaring academic bankruptcy. Requests for apparels are made through the Office of Retention and Academic Advising.
  2. Reapply for admission after one semester - Students wanting to return to MSU after suspension will need to complete a new application and meet with the admissions appeal committee before being readmitted as a student. Students requesting an admissions appeal must submit a complete Action Plan (signed by an academic advisor) including a two semester plan and a statement that they have met with their financial aid counselor. The admissions appeal committee may also require additional documentation. 
Please note that readmission or the acceptance of a suspension appeal does not guarantee that financial aid will be granted. There is a separate financial aid appeal process. The requests for financial aid appeals are made in the Office of Financial Aid.