Engineering Three-Two Program (Dual Degree)

The student completes three years (96 hours), which includes the courses listed in the Two-Two Program of study and the MSU bachelor's degree requirements before transferring to an engineering college to complete the final two years of specialty. Upon completing work at both schools, the student receives dual degrees: a Bachelor of Science from Morehead State University and a Bachelor of Science in Engineering from the college of engineering. A student must complete an MSU major and minor, as well as the MSU general education requirements. A student choosing the physics, mathematics or chemistry option has the requirement of at least four additional courses in the chosen option. Advisors can supply additional details. Because colleges of engineering require a substantial background in physics, mathematics, and chemistry, students in the Three-Two program normally major in one of these areas. Students wishing to major in some other area should work closely with the pre-engineering advisor and an advisor in the selected major to ensure that requirements for both degrees are met.

Many employers of engineers are interested in dual-degree graduates because of their stronger science and mathematics problem solving skills, their better communication skills, and their broader liberal arts training. Dual degree holders are better prepared to solve unusual engineering problems and to deal with the ethical and social impact of engineering activities.