Teacher Education Program

Students seeking teacher certification must apply for and be admitted to the TEP. Students will be required to meet admission standards concurrent with their application to teacher education. They must select areas of concentration and/or major(s) that are certifiable.

All students are required to purchase Taskstream, an electronic portfolio and assessment system, beginning with EDF 207. Transfer students should purchase Taskstream at the time of transfer to MSU if EDF 207 has already been completed.

All students must demonstrate knowledge and expertise in the use of computers either through the College Level Examination Program (CLEP) or by successfully completing a computer class or approved workshop.

Teacher Education Program Policies Handbook

The Teacher Education Program Policies Handbook is revised annually. This booklet may be viewed and downloaded online at www.moreheadstate.edu/tes. The policies set forth in the current handbook must be met at the time of application.