Music Major – Bachelor of Arts

Admission Requirements

All students are required to pass a successful performance audition for admission into the BA in Music program.

Program Competencies

As an accredited institutional member of the National Association of Schools of Music (NASM), Morehead State University adheres to and complies with the standards of the association. NASM "Standards for the Liberal Arts Degree with a Major in Music" (NASM Handbook) define the program competencies for the Bachelor of Arts degree in Music at MSU.

A. General Education

The principal goals of general education in undergraduate liberal arts programs with a major in music are:

  1. The ability to think, speak and write clearly and effectively. Students who earn liberal arts degrees must be able to communicate with precision, cogency and force.
  2. An informed acquaintance with the mathematical and experimental methods of the physical and biological sciences with the main forms of analysis and the historical and quantitative techniques needed for investigating the workings and developments of modern society.
  3. An ability to address culture and history from a variety of perspectives.
  4. Understanding of and experience in thinking about moral and ethical problems.
  5. The ability to respect, understand and evaluate work in a variety of disciplines.
  6. The capacity to explain and defend one's views effectively and rationally.
  7. Understanding of and experience in art forms other than music.

B. Musicianship

Musicianship studies appropriate to the liberal arts degree must produce:

  1. The ability to hear, identify and work conceptually with the elements of music: rhythm, melody, harmony and structure.
  2. An understanding of compositional processes, aesthetic properties of style and the ways these shape and are shaped by artistic and cultural forces.
  3. An acquaintance with a wide selection of musical literature, the principal eras, genres and cultural sources.
  4. The ability to develop and defend musical judgments.

C. Performance and Music Electives Instruction in the performing medium, participation in large and small ensembles, and experience in solo performance develop these competencies.

Performance studies appropriate to the liberal arts degree should produce:

  1. Ability in performing areas appropriate to the student's needs and interests.
  2. Ability to sight-read music.
  3. An understanding for procedures for realizing a variety of musical styles.


In addition to course grades, competencies will be measured by:

  1. Successful jury examinations required each semester and evaluated by the music faculty in each student's specialization area.
  2. Upper Division Assessment required prior to enrolling for junior-level applied lessons evaluated by the music faculty in each student's specialization area.
  3. Recital hearing examinations required prior to each recital performance and evaluated by the music faculty in each student's specialization area.
  4. Capstone course consisting of musical performance combined with a research project required of all Bachelor of Arts in Music students during the capstone course in the senior year and evaluated by the music faculty in each student's specialization area.
  5. ETS Major Field Exam required prior to graduation with results distributed to music faculty each year.

Program Requirements

The Bachelor of Arts degree in Music provides for the study of music within a liberal arts curriculum. The program is suitable for preparing for careers in music other than performance and certified teaching in the schools. 

General Education

MUSW 499CSenior Project


Total Credit Hours:36

The senior project course is an option for music BA students only. This course involves a performance component as well as a component involving the student’s academic interests. This project is required to have writing and presentation activities. The performance and academic components can be related. The project is to be developed by the student and his/her private applied teacher. Approval required from appropriate area performance faculty.

Refer to the General Education section for a complete listing of general education requirements for the University.

Major Core Requirements

MUST 131Music Theory I


MUST 132Music Theory II


MUST 133Music Reading I


MUST 135Music Reading II


MUSE 215Microcomputers and Music


MUSH 171Global Perspectives in Music


MUSW 310Music Business


MUSM 200Student Recital


MUSP 2XXPrivate Applied (4 semesters at 2 credit hours each)


MUSP 200Performance Class


Total Credit Hours:24

MUSM 200 (four semesters required, 0 credit hours each)

MUSP 2XX (four semesters required, 2 credit hours each)

MUSP 200 (four semesters required, 0 credit hours each)

Tracks - Choose one

General Music Track
MUSG 123Class Piano I


MUSG 124Class Piano II


MUST 233Music Reading III


MUST 234Music Reading IV


MUST 236Music Theory III


MUST 237Music Theory IV


MUSH 361History of Music I


MUSH 362History of Music II


MUSM 400Student Recital


MUSP 4XXPrivate Applied - Major Instrument


MUSP 400Performance Class


MUSM 3XXEnsemble


Total Credit Hours:24

MUSM 400 (four semesters required, 0 credit hours each)

MUSP 4XX (three semesters required, 2 credit hours each)

MUSP 400 (four semesters required, 0 credit hours each)

MUSM 3XX (four semesters required, 1 credit hour each)

Commercial Music Track
MUSG 245Jazz Keyboard I


MUSG 246Jazz Keyboard II


MUSG 183Studio Improvisation


MUST 240Jazz Theory


MUST 433Arranging for Jazz Ensembles I


MUSW 325Music Recording and Sound Reinforcement


MUSM 400Student Recital


MUSP 4XXPrivate Applied - Major Instrument


MUSP 400Performance Class


MUSM 3XXEnsemble


Total Credit Hours:20

MUSM 400 (four semesters required, 0 credit hours each)

MUSP 4XX (three semesters required, 2 credit hours each)

MUSP 400 (four semesters required, 0 credit hours each)

MUSM 3XX (four semesters required, 1 credit hour each)

Choose three hours from the following:
MUSH 338Traditional Music History I


MUSH 361History of Music I


MUSH 365Jazz History and Literature


Total Credit Hours:3


All majors must also include a minor or additional major. See Terms to Know.
Total Credit Hours:21

Free Electives

Chosen from 300+ level

Free Electives (chosen by student)


Total Credit Hours:15-16

Total Credit Hours: 120