Goal 1: Academic Excellence

We will advance teaching excellence and innovation in the delivery of high-quality academic programs enriched by scholarship and service.

Objective 1: Build and retain an outstanding, diverse faculty empowered to reach their potential as teacher-scholars.

Key Strategies:

  • Design an institutional process for identifying and hiring excellent faculty members who can advance the University’s mission.

  • Develop a faculty mentoring program.

  • Develop a needs assessment instrument to identify areas for professional development.

Objective 2: Offer high-quality programs with course delivery methods that meet diverse student needs.

Key Strategies:

  • Implement a required training certification program for online teaching.

  • Develop an institutional strategy to define optimal course delivery methods and mix.

  • Identify undergraduate and graduate programs appropriate for 100 percent online delivery or for offering on regional campuses.

  • Create and implement residential learning communities and campus-wide programming through a collaboration of Academic Affairs and Student Success.

  • Identify graduate assistant and internship opportunities in Student Success including Intercollegiate Athletics.

  • Train and support faculty and staff to meet the needs of diverse students.

  • Develop programs to meet the needs of gifted and talented high school students.

Objective 3: Develop and enhance relevant, high-quality academic programs in fields to meet regional and global workforce needs.

Key Strategies:

  • Develop a systematic way to identify where students are employed after graduation to obtain feedback that will inform program validity and improvement.

  • Use the Academic Program Needs Assessment model effectively to guide resource reallocation decisions.

  • Conduct environmental scans annually to inform program strategic planning.

  • Evaluate opportunities to infuse career planning, job search and readiness into program curriculum using institutional resources.

  • Expand and enhance experiential program to prepare students for workforce by effectively using on- and off-campus resources.

Objective 4: Communicate and assess learning outcomes for students that promote academic success and career preparedness.

Key Strategies:

  • Review program outcomes to ensure students are career ready using employer feedback and industry trends.

  • Create and assess learning outcomes for student life programming.

Objective 5: Enhance the visibility and profile of the University.

Key Strategies:

  • Develop an annual strategic media marketing plan that focuses on graduate outcomes, academic quality and athletic accomplishments.

  • Explore strategies to dedicate resources to increase academic program promotion.

  • Undertake market research to inform enrollment and marketing strategies.

  • Identify marketing strategies to effectively communicate the quality of the academic experience at MSU.

Objective 6: Focus the University community on the value of teaching, scholarship and service in achieving academic excellence.

Key Strategies:

  • Improve systematic recognition of excellence in teaching, scholarship and service institution-wide.

  • Improve support for faculty and students in research and creative productions.

  • Define expectations for faculty excellence in scholarship, teaching and service that inform faculty evaluations, tenure and promotion.

  • Explore the process of external reviews for tenure and promotion.

  • Explore alternative/additional instruments for the evaluation of teaching effectiveness.

  • Promote the integration of scholarship, teaching and service.

Academic Excellence: Key Performance Measures

  • Percentage of faculty engaged in scholarship or creative productions

  • Percentage of students who successfully complete a subsequent course in the same discipline after taking one developmental course (math, English)

  • Percentage of MSU students scoring in top 25 percent nationally on New Teacher Excellence exam

  • Results from the NSSE Engagement Indicator of Academic Challenge, which includes higher-order learning, reflective and integrative learning, learning strategies and quantitative reasoning

  • Results from the NSSE Engagement Indicator of Experiences with Faculty, which includes student-faculty interaction and effective teaching practices