Child Development Minor

The purpose of the child development minor is to prepare undergraduate students to work with infants and young children from birth through age eight in a variety of settings including center-based and home-based programs.

Program Competencies

Students completing the child development minor should:

  1. Understand typical child growth and development.
  2. Understand how to build relationships with and empower families and collaborate with community agencies.
  3. Know the rationale for assessing children, how to conduct developmentally appropriate assessment, and use assessment data to inform teaching and program planning.
  4. Use their knowledge of developmentally appropriate practices and academic subjects to design instruction and learning environments for children.
  5. Use their knowledge of developmentally appropriate practices and academic subjects to implement instruction and learning environments for children.
  6. Examine legislation and public policy regarding children and families and will serve as advocates for children and families.
  7. Know how to design and manage an early childhood program following state child care regulations.

Child Development Minor Requirements

To successfully complete the program, a student must obtain an overall GPA of 2.0 with no "D's" in courses in the minor.


EDF 207Foundations of Education


EDEC 253Child Growth and Development


EDEE 305Learning Theories and Practices in Early Elementary


EDEC 418Preschool Program Planning


IECE 311Introduction to Early Childhood


IECE 360Families in Early Childhood Education


IECE 361Positive Child Guidance


Total Credit Hours:21


Choose one of the following:

EDEC 254Preschool Administration


EDEC 255Assessment of Young Children


EDEC 416Infant/Toddler Program Planning


Total Credit Hours:3

Total Credit Hours: 24