Goal 4: Improved Infrastructure

We will develop and retain a diverse workforce and acquire and steward capital and fiscal resources.

Objective 1: Engage faculty and staff in quality professional development experiences that address identified institutional and individual needs.

Key Strategies:
  • Develop annual plans for unit/role specific training on the University’s ERP system and other technology resources.
  • Continue training opportunities to support the effective use of the new online performance management system.
  • Deliver a diverse selection of professional development opportunities during annual professional development days.
  • Maintain a comprehensive suite of online module-based professional development tools.
  • Develop competency-based career paths for appropriate job categories.

Objective 2: Attract and retain a talented and diverse faculty and staff workforce.

Key Strategies:
  • Implement the market-based employee compensation plan for all positions.
  • Streamline employee recruitment and hiring process/shorten time to offer.
  • Implement strategies to support reaching the goals identified in the University’s Affirmative Action Plan.
  • Conduct annual comparison of employee benefits to market peers and use results to recommend adjustments in benefit programs.
  • Enhance onboarding program for new employees.

Objective 3: Create and sustain a culture of wellness as the foundation for success.

Key Strategies:
  • Enhance wellness program to include result-oriented participation incentives.
  • Conduct an annual comprehensive health fair event that engages employees.
  • Implement program to provide employees’ access to a wellness coach.
  • Provide opportunities for employees to participate in tobacco cessation programs.
  • Enhance and expand employees’ access to wellness education.
  • Provide biometric screening services on campus through the campus health clinic.

Objective 4: Maintain a competitive compensation model.

Key Strategies:
  • Implement phase 2 of the employee compensation plan.
  • Implement phase 3 of the employee compensation plan.
  • Implement annual adjustments to the employee compensation scale based on market shifts.
  • Facilitate annual review and updates to all staff job descriptions.

Objective 5: Improve organizational effectiveness and efficiency.

Key Strategies:
  • Implement an enterprise document management system that integrates with the University’s ERP system.
  • Implement the new Information Technology Governance Structure.
  • Transition purchasing approvals to a cost-based approval system.
  • Implement shared services for common functions across the institution.
  • Develop improvements in University travel processes.
  • Implement cross-training and responsibility sharing to improve customer/student services during peak time.

Objective 6: Provide and maintain a campus that meets the growing needs of a diverse student body.

Key Strategies:
  • Develop and follow a multi-year implementation budget plan and timeline for highest priority projects identified in the Campus Master Plan.
  • Continue implementation of the 10-year Housing Master Plan.
  • Implement strategies identified in the University Technology Plan.
  • Invest in highest priority projects identified in the deferred maintenance plan.
  • Invest in highest priority initiative identified by the ADA task force.
  • Continue support of sustainability efforts.

Objective 7: Provide technology that supports innovation, enhances productivity and makes information easily accessible to faculty, staff and students.

Key Strategies:

  • Re-engineer the University’s external web site.
  • Implement upgrade and provide training on Business Objects reporting solution.
  • Implement enhancements and expand the University’s Portal – MyMoreheadState.
  • Complete the upgrade to the campus technology infrastructure.
  • Implement and provide training on the University’s enterprise document management system.

Objective 8: Enhance the quality of life for faculty, staff, students and community members through effective budgetary planning.

Key Strategies:
  • Develop and manage a balanced operating budget that supports the highest priorities of the institution’s strategic plan and Campus Master Plan.
  • Maintain an effective tuition and fee schedule that balances revenue with affordability and generates resources necessary to support institutional budgetary needs.
  • Monitor and analyze budget expenditure and revenue trends to anticipate and plan for financial opportunities and threats.

Objective 9: Safeguard our financial future through effective stewardship of resources.

Key Strategies:
  • Complete timely and accurate financial reports and analysis necessary to effectively monitor fiscal performance and compliance.
  • Facilitate a comprehensive annual audit of financial operations by an external audit firm.
  • Plan and implement an annual internal audit plan to identify areas of risk, verify compliance with internal and external policies, and identify areas for improvement in efficiency and effectiveness.

Objective 10: Manage institutional risk.

Key Strategies:
  • Create and implement training sessions to assist employees with identifying others in crisis and responding appropriately in emergency situations.
  • Develop an institutional risk management plan with priority initiatives and timelines for completion.
  • Effectively communicate and coordinate risk management activities.
  • Maintain a comprehensive Emergency Operations Plan.
  • Conduct periodic tabletop exercises to test and improve EOP processes.

Objective 11: Enhance campus life by providing quality goods and services in a manner that is cost effective and customer-oriented.

Key Strategies:
  • Improve customer satisfaction with the University’s auxiliary service units.
  • Increase net revenue generated by auxiliary service units.

Improved Infrastructure: Key Performance Measures

  • Median faculty salary as percentage of CUPA median
  • Median staff salary as percent of market median
  • Results from the NSSE Campus environment theme, which includes quality of interactions and supportive environment
  • Number of diverse faculty and staff
  • Number of diverse faculty and staff retained
  • Total external research and development funding
  • Participation in professional development for faculty/staff
  • Operating dollars invested annually in capital renewal and maintenance