Cooperative Doctoral Program with the University of Kentucky

Morehead State University and the University of Kentucky have an agreement whereby students desiring to pursue a doctorate degree at the University of Kentucky may, upon being admitted jointly by both institutions, complete up to one year of their coursework at Morehead State University.

A joint screening committee, composed of members from both institutions, will decide upon the applicant's eligibility. To be admitted to the program, the applicant must meet the requirements for admission to the doctoral program both at Morehead State University and the University of Kentucky.

After admission to the program, the student will be assigned to a doctoral committee composed of faculty members from both institutions and will be permitted to do approximately one year of work on campus at Morehead State.

The Cooperative Ed.D. is offered in Educational Policy Studies and Evaluation, Administration and Supervision, Kinesiology and Health Promotion and Special Education and Rehabilitation Counseling.

For additional information contact:

The Graduate School


University of Kentucky Cooperative Master's Program

MSU hosts a cooperative master's degree program with the University of Kentucky: The Nurse Practitioner Program. Admission information regarding the program can be obtained by calling the student services officer at 606-783-2636.