
Opportunities in Theatre

The distinguished Department of Music, Theatre and Dance offers substantial educational programs and opportunities both on and off stage in theatrical productions. Our faculty and staff are indi-vidually and collectively committed to help students thrive and succeed. As a program accredited by the National Association of Schools of Theatre, we offer degrees in theatre and theatre education, and a minor in theatre. Our students benefit from a host of options every year with four Mainstage Productions and additional Second Stage Productions. Our students participate as actors, technicians, designers and directors. The faculty at Morehead State is committed to providing as many hands-on experiences as possible for you so that when you graduate you will have a portfolio of realized work. In addition to the productions mentioned above, MSU Theatre also produces The Little Company, a troupe that performs for elementary and high schools and conducts workshops in drama. The MSU Theatre Program is active in the Southeastern Theatre Conference and the Kennedy Center American College Theatre Festival.

Students will demonstrate:

  1. A general familiarity with all aspects of theatre.
  2. A proficiency in at least two specific areas of theatre production such as acting, directing, set design and construction, costume design and construction, lighting, properties, makeup, publicity, sound design and stage movement.
  3. Familiarity with significant periods and styles of dramatic literature.
  4. Basic knowledge of the chronological history of theatre.

Assessment Procedures

Capstone Course