M.M. – Master of Music

Admission Requirements

  1. Completion of a bachelor's degree in music from an accredited institution or its equivalent with a minimum GPA of 3.0 on all undergraduate music courses above the freshman level.
  2. General admission to graduate study.
  3. Completion of the Graduate Music Entrance Examination in music history/literature and music theory (analysis). The music entrance examination must be completed prior to the first semester of enrollment and is administered at the start of the fall, spring and summer I semesters by the coordinator of graduate studies in music.
  4. Successful completion of an audition for the appropriate music faculty is required for admission to the performance concentration. When a live audition is not possible, an audition via Skype or other live video conferencing medium will be arranged.
  5. Prior to enrollment in graduate-level music education courses, graduate students pursuing the Master of Music with emphasis in music education must hold an earned bachelor's degree in music education from an accredited institution or enroll in the Post-Baccalaureate Integrated Music P-12 Initial Certification Program and complete the education and music education course requirements.

Requirements for the Degree

  1. Unconditional admission to the Master of Music program before completing 12 hours of coursework.
  2. Graduate students pursuing the Master of Music in Performance (Voice) are expected to demonstrate proficiency in French, German, and Italian diction before completing 12 credit hours of music study at the graduate level and prior to enrollment in more than three-credit hours of private applied lessons in voice. Proficiency is demonstrated by satisfactory completion of the department's Foreign Language Diction Proficiency Examination. Students who complete the examination with unsatisfactory results must demonstrate proficiency by completing the undergraduate course in foreign language diction, or the equivalent, with a grade of "C" or higher. The Foreign Language Diction Proficiency Examination is in two parts, one written and one oral. Students will complete: (1) a transcription of excerpt(s) from song poetry texts written in French, German, and Italian using the International Phonetic Association (IPA) alphabet; and (2) a spoken oration of excerpt(s) from song poetry texts written in French, German, and Italian.
  3. Satisfy University degree completion requirements.
  4. Complete the Master of Music core requirements and the requirements for a concentration in performance or music education.
  5. Pass the Comprehensive Capstone Examination appropriate to the program emphasis.

Electives may be chosen from studies in music history and literature, music theory, analysis, composition, arranging, music education, pedagogy, conducting, applied music, ensembles related to performance area (three-credit hours maximum) and music business. If the diagnostic scores are high in the areas of music history and form and analysis, the hours for MUSH 600 Graduate Music History Survey and/or MUST 665 Form and Analysis can be added as elective hours. The coordinator of graduate studies in music must approve electives.

*If the diagnostic scores are high in these areas, the student may elect to take other courses based on consultation with the faculty advisor.

**As course topics change, may be repeated for credit as an elective.