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English (MATPW)
M. A. in Technical and Professional Writing
Required Core Courses
These seven courses below are required:
ENGL 5106 | Technical Writing in the Digital Age | 3 credits |
ENGL 5206 | Public and Professional Writing | 3 credits |
ENGL 5650 | Theory and Practice in Editing and Style | 3 credits |
NMAC 5108 | Writing and Publishing in Digital Environments | 3 credits |
COMM 5000 | Rhetoric: Written, Visual, and Oral Communication | 3 credits |
ITEC 5300 | Web Development | 3 credits |
ITEC 5320 | Instructional Design | 3 credits |
Elective Courses
Students will take three of the following four elective courses:
MCOM 5131 | News Writing and Reporting | 3 credits |
ITEC 5310 | Human Computer Interaction | 3 credits |
ENGL 6100 | Seminar in Landmark Reports and Papers | 3 credits |
COMM 6610 | Social Media Communication and Advertising | 3 credits |
Program Prerequisites:
There are no prerequisites beyond admission requirements to the program. However, students who want to refresh their writing skills at the undergraduate level may consider taking one or more classes in the Minor in Professional Writing (such as PFWR 3160 Introduction to Professional Writing).