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Business (MSM)
Master of Science in Management
Core Courses (18-21 hours)
ACCT 5100 | Managerial Accounting | 3 credits |
MGMT 5100 | Advanced Supply Chain Management | 3 credits |
MGMT 5200 | Advanced Management Information Systems | 3 credits |
MGMT 5300 | Decision Sciences | 3 credits |
MGMT 5400 | Managing in a Global Environment | 3 credits |
MGMT 5600 | Leadership and Organizational Behavior | 3 credits |
MGMT 5900 | Advanced Strategic Management | 3 credits |
ACCT 5100: non-Accounting students only
Accounting (13 hours)
Choose one of the following:
ACCT 6300 | Managerial and Acct Info Sys | 3 credits |
ACCT 6505 | Graduate Acct Special Topics | 3 credits |
ACCT 6605 | Graduate Accounting Internship | 3 credits |
Program Management (10 hours)
MGMT 6110 | Aquisition Management | 3 credits |
MGMT 6950 | Graduate Program Management Capstone | 1 credit |
Choose two of the following:
MGMT 6100 | Advanced Project Management | 3 credits |
MGMT 6120 | Advanced Logistics Management | 3 credits |
MGMT 6130 | Advanced Purchasing and Materials Management | 3 credits |
MGMT 6200 | Advanced Continuous Process Improvement | 3 credits |
MGMT 6505 | Graduate Management Special Topics | 3 credits |
MGMT 6605 | Graduate Management Internship | 3 credits |
Supply Chain Management (10 hours)
MGMT 6120 | Advanced Logistics Management | 3 credits |
MGMT 6130 | Advanced Purchasing and Materials Management | 3 credits |
MGMT 6960 | Graduate Supply Chain Management Capstone | 1 credit |
Choose one of the following:
MGMT 6100 | Advanced Project Management | 3 credits |
MGMT 6200 | Advanced Continuous Process Improvement | 3 credits |
MGMT 6505 | Graduate Management Special Topics | 3 credits |
MGMT 6605 | Graduate Management Internship | 3 credits |
General Management (10 hours)
MGMT 6970 | Graduate General Management Capstone | 1 credit |
| Any three School of Business 6000 level courses. | |
School of Business 6000 level courses: The student must meet the individual course prerequisites in order to take the course. Credit: total 9 hours