Academic Withdrawal
Students may initiate withdrawal from classes through the Student Web Organized Records & Data System (SWORDS) or by submitting a Withdrawal Form to the Office of the Registrar at the Macon campus or the administrative offices at other campuses.
Withdrawal before Midterm
After the Drop/Add period up to and including the mid-term date (as designated in the Academic Calendar), students may withdraw from a course and receive a grade of “W” (withdrawal without penalty) by correctly following the withdrawal procedure.
Withdrawal after Midterm
If students withdraw from classes after mid-term, a grade of “WF” (withdrawal with penalty) is assigned. A grade of “WF” is computed the same as an “F” in the Grade Point Average. Following the same procedures outlined in the Undergraduate Catalog, students may petition to have a “WF” converted to a “W.” Graduate students must notify the instructor of record in writing that they are withdrawing from a class after Midterm; lack of notification may affect an appeal to convert the “WF” to a “W.”
Limitation and Grade Consequences of Withdrawal
Middle Georgia State University limits the total number of courses from which students may withdraw over the course of their matriculation. Students may withdraw from a maximum of 5 courses. Once students reach the 5-course limit, all subsequent withdrawals will be assigned grades of “F.” Students will not be allowed to withdraw from classes during the last two weeks of class. The official date of withdrawal is the date on which the student properly executes the withdrawal.
Faculty Initiated Withdrawal
Graduate students may be withdrawn from a class by the instructor for lack of attendance, online activity, participation, virtual contact/response, or the timely completion of assignments. The instructor’s policy must be clearly stated on the course syllabus. Before withdrawing a student, the instructor must email the student at least a week in advance but no sooner than the third full week of class. The date of withdrawal shall be entered when final grades are submitted.