EDU.5635 Elementary Literacy Practicum II: Grades 3-6

The candidate will apply his/her knowledge of the components of oral and written language to instruct selected Grade 3-6 students with unique profiles of strengths and needs. The candidate will conduct multiple assessments that may include pertinent family and school information, attitude/interest inventories, and formal and informal reading, writing, and language assessments for the purpose of developing initial, measurable long-term goals and short-term instructional objectives based on the results of the assessment. Candidates will design a cycle of evidence-based instruction and reassessments to meet the literacy needs of each student based on goals and objectives and the students' response to instruction to be compiled in a case study. Candidates will evaluate his/her own performance and reflect on the impact they are having on student learning and coach others in learning the above process. Course content will include informal and formal assessment instruments and analysis of assessments; research-based methods that promote the development of oral language, reading, writing (both informational and narrative), speaking, listening, viewing, and creating; and culturally responsive instruction including the use of children's literature and new technologies that promote diversity, equity and inclusion.




Prerequisite: EDU.5612