NUR 1000 Health and Physical Assessment

This course introduces the student to comprehensive client health evaluation. Assessment of presenting concerns, past medical history, family history, cultural, nutritional, human violence, psychosocial data, and review of systems are included. An organized approach to the physical examination of clients of all ages is explored, with a focus on expected findings in healthy people. Risk assessment and evidence-based practice are introduced.




Corequisite: NUR.1000L


Prerequisite: PSY.1004, BIO.2071 or BIO.3017, BIO.2072 or BIO.3013, BIO.2073 or BIO.2003, a MATH course, and CHM.1000, CHM.1050 or CHM.1001. Prerequisite: PSY.1100 or PSY.2001 and PSY.2052.