IDS 3010 Career & Life Work Planning

The course curriculum is designed to serve as an assessment tool re-establishing what a four-year degree means to the students and examining reasons for their returning to college. The course content emphasizes a liberalizing approach, viewing the adult learner as an ever-growing individual and seeks to incorporate the riches of individual experience with the presentation of new and systematic opportunities for continued learning. Emphasizing Malcolm Knowles approach to adult learning, the class is an interactive one emphasizing the learner?s active participation in the learning process. Using the textbook ?If You Knew Who You Were You Could Be Who You are,? by Gerald Sturman, students complete the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), a widely recognized career assessment instrument. Class discussion revolves around their scoring the instrument in such areas as Career Type, Career Anchors, Values, Needs and Internal Barriers. Through facilitated discussion, the students evaluate career options, develop career goals, and action plans. Concluding with a home assignment, students use the concepts discussed in class, the completed exercises from the Sturman textbook and their completed MBTI, to write a detailed Personal Career Profile.
