ENG 2005 On Solitude

Contemporary culture constantly urges us to extend our social network as far as possible-to attract more friends and followers online, and to build more social connections in real life. Yet in this rush to connect with others at any cost, perhaps we have forgotten something vital about the powers and pleasures afforded by solitude-the act of choosing to stand alone, apart, or at rest, wholly within oneself. Many of our greatest writers have held that the deliberate pursuit of solitary experiences can serve to empower rather than enervate. Going it alone may serve to block out unwelcome peer pressure, build greater self-reliance, and to clear out the time and space in which to test one's psychological strength and physical endurance. This course looks to works of poetry, fiction, essays, travel memoir, and film as resources for understanding solitude as both a symptom of social anxiety and a training ground for cultivating a rich inner life.

