Commuter Students and their Visitors

  • Commuter students may attend events on campus after 8:00 pm as long as they do not enter the residence halls. In the event that a commuter student intends to spend any amount of time in a residence hall after 8:00 pm, a commuter student must pre-register and obtain a Visitor Pass by Campus Safety (see Residence Halls Guest and Visitation Policy).
  • Commuter students are allowed to bring one visitor to campus events. Visitors must be registered prior to attending the event. To register a visitor prior to the event, commuter students must follow the steps below:
  1. Log into The “Ville
  2. Complete all of the required information in the form on The “Ville. A confirmation email will be sent once the form is successfully completed – make sure you receive this confirmation email to ensure you filled out the form correctly. The host commuter and their visitors must have and carry a valid Manhattanville College ID or a valid State ID with a photo.
  • The host commuter and their visitor must leave campus upon the conclusion of an event.