ENG 3200 The Art of Criticism

This course builds on the premise that criticism is a branch of literature-that prose argument is just as "creative" as other forms of literary writing. We will read examples of contemporary criticism-mostly literary essays and book reviews, but also articles drawn from the wider realm of the arts (film, philosophy, food, music). We will learn about the genres of critical prose by writing our own criticism: the appreciative book review (panegyric), attacks on overrated cultural objects (polemic), defenses of favorite works (justification), the rise of a new style (trendspotting), the top ten list (evaluation). Along the way, we will also explore the various identities and practices that inform our sense of "the critic": amateur passion vs. professional expertise, journalism vs. academic scholarship, analytical vs. creative writing.





Prerequisites: Take one 1000-level ENG course and one 2000-level ENG course.