
Introduction & Overview

Atlas  is an optional School of Arts and Sciences program that supports students as they clarify the purpose, meaning, and direction of their curricular, co-curricular, and extra-curricular pursuits and explore career possibilities related to those decisions. Its primary goals are:

  • To facilitate students as they reflect on experiences, develop goals, and make connections between what they have already accomplished and what they hope to accomplish;
  • To aid each student in the creation of an online space in which they can showcase their accomplishments and illustrate the correlations they are making between their various experiences;
  • To encourage professional practices in networking and social media use by students;
  • To connect students with campus resources and with professionals in the student’s field of interest. 

Program Director

Program Director: Gillian Hannum, Professor of Art History

Assistant Director: Alison Carson, Professor of Psychology

Program Structure

Atlas is comprised of multiple classes. Students may take as many of the courses as they wish.

Passport (MVL 1001, 3 credits) or (MVL1001A & MVL1001B, 1.5 credits each)

The purpose of this First-Year course is to guide new Manhattanville students in making a successful transition to the College, academically and socially. The course is designed to foster a sense of belonging to the community by working in small groups, sharing valuable information about the College’s mission and history, incorporating valuable skill building, and helping students continue to clarify the purpose, meaning, and direction of their college careers. 

Pathfinder (MVL 2001, 3 credits)
This ePortfolio-based course is designed to aid sophomores in selection of a major, academic planning, and career exploration. In the course, students are supported as they clarify the purpose, meaning, and direction of their college careers and explore career possibilities related to those decisions. Reflection on the self-discovery process, interaction with professionals in possible career paths, and archiving of materials found and created will be facilitated by the instructor.

Intercultural Awareness (MVL 2010, 1 credit)
Training in intercultural competency is a lifelong process; this course will begin a journey into cultural awareness by challenging stereotypes and increasing your knowledge of human rights and multiculturalism both in theory and practice.

Compass (MVL 3001, 3 credits)

This ePortfolio-based course is designed to aid students in reflection on co-curricular experiences, with the goal of translating and documenting leadership and team building skills, showcasing creative work highlighting unique experiences, and relating these experiences to desirable career skill sets. Reflection on the self-discovery process , interaction with professionals in possible career paths, and archiving of materials found and created will be facilitated by the instructor. The intent of this course is for students to be able to apply knowledge gained in the classroom to practical, real-world situations.

Pursuit (MVL 3010, 3 credits)
Designed for seniors, Pursuit is geared towards creating an external-facing ePortfolio and on professional networking. Students identify or affirm a career path and mine their experiences in and out of the classroom for skills, knowledge and mindsets. Focus is on the “translation” of students’ learning stories into the language of employers; résumé and cover letter preparation, informational and mock interviews are part of the class experience.

Atlas: Study Abroad (MVL 2005, 1 credit)
This one-credit Atlas class engages students studying abroad to become reflective learners. ePortfolio assignments encourage observation, awareness and insight. It also allows them to create a travelogue of their academic, social and travel experiences abroad. It also creates a cohort of Manhattanville students dispersed at various locations so they can share their experiences with each other as well as their academic advisors.

Atlas: 4th Credit Option (MVL 4500, 1 credit)
The 4th credit option provides a unique opportunity for students to integrate theory from their classes and praxis through participation in community organizations or programs for the purpose of social justice engagement and exploration. An experiential 4th credit can be attached to any academic course for which a student finds an appropriate community placement. The ePortfolio allows the collaborating faculty member and the director of Service Learning to read and comment on the student’s weekly journal and final project in real time.

MVL 1001


MVL 1001A

MVL 1001B

Atlas: Passport

First Year students explore their connection to the college.

3 cr

1.5 cr

1.5 cr

MVL 2001

Atlas: Pathfinder

Second year students investigate possible majors and careers

3 cr

MVL 2010 Atlas: Intercultural Awareness An opportunity to expand intercultural understanding and communication; open to all students  1 cr

MVL 3001

Atlas: Compass

Juniors connect their co-curricular activities to their career goals

3 cr

MVL 3010

Atlas: Pursuit

Seniors explore their career goals and prepare a professional portfolio

3 cr

MVL 2005

Atlas: Study Abroad

A reflective course for students as they Study Abroad

1 cr

MVL 4500

Atlas: 4th Credit option

An opportunity to attach service learning projects to academic courses

1 cr