Part 9 - Sanctions for all Conduct Cases


The primary goal of the College Student Conduct System is education. In addition to educational sanctions, the college may issue sanctions that affect a student or student organization’s status at the college. All sanctions are official actions of the College. Failure to comply with sanctions or with specific conditions related to the safety and security of any persons or property while a case is pending, may result in immediate, suspension or expulsion from the College without benefit of further process.


The following sanctions, or any combination thereof, may be applied to any individual student, group of students,or student organization, for violations of the Code of Student Conduct and related College policies.


  1. EDUCATIONAL SANCTION: The primary goal of the College Student Conduct System is education. Conduct Officers may design sanctions that are specific to an individual case when it is determined that educational value may result and the interests of the College community are maintained. Examples of educational sanctions include, but are not limited to: community service, Community Involvement Assignment, Decision Making Assignment, workshop, monetary restitution, and research and writing assignments.
  2. RESTITUTION: Reimbursement by the student to the College or to a member, group or organization of the College community to cover the cost of repair or replacement of damaged or misappropriated property. This is generally an automatic conduct order in cases of unrecoverable property.
  3. WRITTEN WARNING:An official warning that is recorded in a student’s conduct record notifying the student or student organization violated the College’s Code of Conduct. Any further violations will lead to a more serious sanction.
  4. MANDATORY COUNSELING: In some instances students may be mandated to the Student Health and Counseling for evaluation. Students mandated to counseling will be given a deadline by which they must have made an appointment to be seen. If, based on the original evaluation, the Counseling and Wellness Center or other professional provider recommends a course of treatment, the student is required to continue treatment until the Counseling and Wellness Center or other professional recommends cessation. Failure to follow through with mandated counseling could result in removal from the residence halls and/or dismissal from the College.
  5. RESTRICTIONS FROM ACTIVITIES/LOSS OF PRIVILEGES: Students may be restricted from active status or participation in any and all organized College activities other than required academic endeavors for a designated period of time not to exceed two full semesters/32 weeks of enrollment. Visitation and guest privileges in the residence halls or elsewhere on campus may be revoked. The right to maintain a vehicle on campus may be revoked. These restrictions, if imposed, will be effective immediately upon rendering a decision and will remain in effect for a designated period of time.
  6. RESIDENTIAL HALL RELOCATION: A residential relocation involves the reassignment of a student’s living unit within College housing and usually prohibits the student from returning to the residential area associated with the former living assignment.
  7. DISCIPLINARY PROBATION: This action constitutes a change in status between good standing and suspension or expulsion from the College. The student or student organization is permitted to remain enrolled at or retain recognition by the College under stated conditions, depending upon the nature of the violation and upon the potential learning value that may derive from specific restrictive measures. Further violations may result in immediate suspension, or expulsion from the College. Terms of disciplinary probation shall be for a designated period
  8. DEFERRED SUSPENSION: Deferred suspension is a period of review during which you must separate from the College for a period of review during which the student must demonstrate an ability to comply with college rules, regulations, and all other stipulated requirements. If, during the period of the deferred suspension, the student is again found responsible for violating any college rule or regulation or an order from a College official, the student will be immediately suspended from the College.
  9. RESIDENTIAL HALL SUSPENSION: These statues indicate that a student is not eligible to live in or visit the College’s residence halls. A residential hall suspension involves the student’s removal from housing altogether. These statuses may extend for a specific period of time, until the completion of specific conditions, or permanently. These statuses may be limited to a specific facility or applied to all facilities.
  10. SUSPENSION: Separation from the College for a designated time period. Typically, the suspension period is 2 semesters. A suspended student will be ineligible to graduate until the term of suspension has been served. The following stipulations and conditions affecting the student's suspension from the College may be specified:
    1. A decision will be made as to the effective dates of suspension. The suspension will be effective immediately and the student must leave campus within 24 hours.
    2. The Dean of Students or designee will recommend the earliest academic term for which the student may apply for readmission, providing all conditions for readmission have been met.
    3. Students on disciplinary suspension are prohibited from visiting the campus. Permission may be granted by their conduct officer only if the student needs to attend to official business at the College. The student will need to get permission from their conduct officer so Campus Safety can be notified, the student may need to be escorted while on campus. Unauthorized visitation may subject the student to possible arrest for trespassing.
    4. A decision will be made by the Dean of Students or designee if the student is eligible to earn transfer credit during the term of disciplinary suspension. If the student is authorized to earn credit during the term of disciplinary suspension or after the recommended term of disciplinary suspension has elapsed, permission must be obtained from the appropriate School Dean prior to enrolling in courses (If courses are to be counted for major or minor credit, they also must be pre-approved by the department chair).
    5. A decision will be made if other restrictions are to imposed and effective while the case, is under appeal and/or during the term of suspension; (For example, the student may be prohibited from active participation in College activities, from having contact with designated individuals, from having access to specific College facilities, etc.)
    6. A decision will be made regarding the term of disciplinary suspension and if that suspension may be served concurrently with a term of academic suspension in the event that the student is also suspended for academic reasons.
    7. A decision will be made regarding the behavioral and disciplinary terms that affect the student’s eligibility for readmission.
    8. A decision will be made regarding the behavioral and disciplinary terms that are to be in effect if the student is readmitted.
    9. There will be no refund of room, board, or tuition for students who are suspended, expelled or who withdraw from the College pending or as a result of disciplinary action (This supersedes the College policy on refunds). This also applies to students who are suspended in an interim or emergency basis while their student conduct matter is pending.
  11. EXPULSION/DISMISSAL: The Director of Residents Life and Conference Services, the Dean of Students, SOE Associate Dean, Dean of MSB and/or the Vice President for Student Affairs may decide that a student’s enrollment be canceled and the student be permanently separated from the College. A student who is dismissed will be ineligible to return or graduate from Manhattanville College.
  12. REMOVAL FROM STUDENT OR SUPERVISED TEACHING OR DENIAL OF PERMISSION FOR STUDENT/SUPERVISED TEACHING: Students who are conducting student or supervised teaching may be removed from that specific placement or removed totally from student teaching. The director of Field Placement or the Associate Dean may take this step. This step may be taken immediately if health and safety of children is deemed to be threatened in any form to any degree. Removal from student teaching will be immediate, an “F” will be entered on the student’s transcript, and the student will not be able to complete the semester and earn credits. Those Education students who have not yet undertaken student or supervised teaching may be denied permission to do so. Candidates for teacher or leader certification may be denied a recommendation by the college.




  1. Parental Notification: For undergraduates, the Conduct Officer may notify parents or guardians via letter, phone call, or email depending on the severity of the violation. If suspension or dismissal is the given sanction, parents or guardians will be notified prior to the Appeals Process. Under certain circumstances, an Office of Residence Life & Conference Services staff member will notify a student's Emergency Contact in the event a student is transported to the hospital.
  2. Complainant Information: Community members who are alleged complainant of a reported incident against their person or property may be entitled to information about college disciplinary proceedings related to that crime pursuant to the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act and the Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008, section 493. Students who are alleged victims of a sexual offense or one of the following crimes of violence, as defined by the U.S. Department of Education, may be entitled to information:
    • arson
    • assault offenses
    • burglary
    • criminal homicide
    • destruction, damage and vandalism of property
    • kidnapping/abduction
    • robbery


Students who have requests or questions should contact the Dean of Students at All information provided by the Dean of Students will be given verbally and directly to the complainant. Information will not be provided to another person, even at the complainant’s direction or request.