PSY 3325 Advanced Topics in Sport Psychology

This seminar course provides in-depth coverage of
research in sport psychology.  Students build
upon introductory theory through the reading of
original research reports and participation in
more detailed discussions of previously covered
topics such as confidence, motivation, imagery,
flow, and concentration.  The course begins with
a historical perspective of the field of sport
psychology, exposing students to seminal research
studies conducted by important figures in the
discipline.  Students will then explore recent
publications regarding the psychology of
excellence, performance enhancement, and
well-being of athletes.  In addition, this course
will address current issues in the field of sport
psychology, including ethical dilemmas for
practicing sport psychologists.  
Pre-requisites:  PSY 2055 Sport Psychology and
PSY 2012 Statistics for the Social Sciences or
ECO 2060 Economics & Business Statistics, or BIO
3012 Biostatistics
