MUA 3996 Musical Theatre Performance Seminar I

The purpose of this year-long course is to synthesize and enhance each student's cumulative knowledge of Musical Theatre history and performance, while preparing for the successful completion of the student's capstone Senior Recital in the spring semester. A significant paper will be researched and written in the Fall, on a subject relating to the Recital. This paper will form the basis for a shorter Playbill-style article for the printed recital program in the spring. Students will make an in-class presentation of the paper. The Fall semester will also include the construction of the Senior Recital program order, with the approval and guidance of the student's Applied Voice instructor, as well as in-progress presentations of recital program material. The Spring semester will continue the in-progress presentations of recital program material, drafting and completing the printed recital program, rehearsal and performance of the Senior Recital, post-performance evaluations of the recitals, audition workshops, and a Final Reflection essay to be shared in class. Both semesters of the course include discussions on specific topics about or relating to Musical Theatre, with periodic forums based on current periodicals, including The New York Times and various trade publications. The course provides a supportive and challenging environment for the development and realization of the Recital.
