Institutions with which Manhattanville has Established Articulation Agreements:


Rockland Community College

Westchester Community College

Norwalk Community College 

Landmark College

Borough of Manhattan Community College



Manhattanville College has articulation agreements with the following institutions:

Rockland Community College

RCC students who meet the minimum GPA requirements of the individual schools at Manhattanville College and who have earned as Associates of Arts or Associates of Science degree in many of RCC’s programs, and who have not matriculated at any other institution, will be guaranteed admission to Manhattanville College and will transfer in with junior standing (i.e., Manhattanville’s General Education requirements will be satisfied).


Westchester Community College

WCC students who meet the minimum GPA requirements of the individual schools at Manhattanville College and who have earned as Associates of Arts or Associates of Science degree in many of WCC’s programs, and who have not matriculated at any other institution, will be guaranteed admission to Manhattanville College and will transfer in with junior standing (i.e., Manhattanville’s General Education requirements will be satisfied).


Norwalk Community College

NCC students who successfully complete the Associates of Arts in English with a minimum GPA of 2.5, and who have not matriculated at any other institution, will be guaranteed transfer admission to Manhattanville College’s Bachelor of English program.  This agreement covers the three concentrations within English: Literature, Film Studies and Creative and Professional Writing.


Landmark College

Landmark College students who successfully complete a minimum of 60 credits at Landmark with a minimum GPA of 2.5, and who have not matriculated at any other institution, and who meet all necessary requirements for admission, will be guaranteed transfer admission to Manhattanville College’s Bachelor of Psychology program.


Borough of Manhattan Community College (BMCC)

BMCC students who successfully complete the Associates of Arts in Sociology with a minimum GPA of 2.5, and who have not matriculated at any other institution, will be guaranteed transfer admission to Manhattanville College’s Bachelor of Sociology program.


For more information on Manhattanville College’s articulation agreements, please contact Kenneth Scupp in Admissions at