Student Teaching

Student teaching is the culminating experience of a teacher education program leading to a state teaching certificate. This immersion in the real world of schools will prepare you, in the same way as an apprenticeship would, to meet the challenges of your own classroom. With Manhattanville's support, encouragement and guidance, you will prepare yourself for a profession that is as satisfying as it is demanding.

The School of Education will arrange a teaching experience in an early childhood, elementary, middle or secondary school supervised by both a college advisor and a cooperating teacher to whose class you have been assigned.

As part of student teaching, students are required to attend a weekly seminar. Enrollment in this course, however, does not mean that a student will automatically receive state certification.

Placement of teacher candidates in classrooms for student teaching is a complex process. It necessitates finding appropriate schools and grade levels for fulfilling all certification and degree requirements. In addition to classroom placements, considerable time is required in order to build effective seminar groups. This will ensure that each candidate is placed in the most suitable group. Therefore, appointments to discuss student teaching must be made by March 15 for those planning to student teach in the fall semester, and by October 15 for those planning to student teach in the spring semester. Failure to comply with these deadlines may result in postponement of student teaching until the following semester.

For student teaching registration, students must make an appointment with the Associate Dean  for Undergraduate Programs, followed by an appointment with the Director or Assistant Director of Field Placement. Student teaching appointments may be made by calling the Field Placement Office: (914) 323-7125. After consultation with the Associate Dean for Undergraduate Programs, the student may be permitted to take one course (up to 4 credits) in addition to student teaching during the student teaching semester.

An overall grade point average of 2.75 is required to be eligible for student teaching. Undergraduates may repeat any Education course only once.

You will be encouraged to put into practice all that you have learned about being a teacher. Working alongside master teachers, under the supervision of a Manhattanville Field Advisor, you will be required to:

  1. Student teach all day, Monday through Friday, for an entire semester
  2. Attend a 2 ½ hour weekly integrating seminar held at the College
  3. Provide your own transportation to and from the student teaching site and the seminar.

For additional information about student teaching, please refer to the Student/Supervised Teaching Handbook in the Student Teaching Office.