Check Out Procedures

Students leaving one room assignment for another, or moving out of the residence hall, must check-out properly. Students are to arrange a mutually agreeable check-out time with their Resident Advisor to review the Room Condition Report (RCR) and turn in their keys. Appointments for check-out times should be made a minimum of 24 hours in advance of the actual time the student needs to check-out to ensure staff availability. If the student’s RA is not available at that time, an appointment should be made with the Resident Director.

Students also have the option to checkout via our Express Checkout Process, which does not require an appointment. Simply pick up an Express Checkout Envelope from the RA Office, complete the form and place the key inside. Note that students who choose this option waive their right to appeal damage fees assessed when staff complete the RCR for the room.

Students will be charged a $75.00 improper check-out fee for failing to properly check out of a room, either by appointment or via the Express Checkout Process.