MSMC 5028 Communications & Effective Leadership

This course will provide participants with increased willingness and enhanced ability to more effectively communicate with others in a variety of situations and venues. Effective communication requires the proper attitude (the willingness to do unto others as they want to be done), appropriate behaviors (the ability to be flexible, open-minded, versatile, adaptable, changeable, negotiable, coping, outwardly-focused) and learned competency (the willingness and ability to convey what you mean in ways that ensure listening). Participants in this course will have the opportunity to have their communication style assessed by others prior to the first session, and will use the feedback as a baseline measure. Through lectures, discussions, additional analyses and numerous practices (using participant?s own real-world situations), they will have a number of opportunities to enhance their strengths and decrease their weaknesses in informal and formal one-to-one, one-to-small group and one-to-large group situations.
