ARH 3077 Mexican Muralists

This seminar will offer a comprehensive investigation of the Mexican Mural Movement (1923-1974). A major artistic movement in Latin American culture born in 1920s revolutionary Mexico and culminating in the socially conscious art of the 1960s. The course will primarily focus on the work of the three most prominent Latin American muralists, the so-called Los Tres Grandes: Jos233 Clemente Orozco (1883-1949), Diego Rivera (1886-1957), and David Alfaro Siqueiros (1896-1974). We will examine their work in both Mexico and the United States. Particular consideration will be given to their important role in the development of 20th century politically conscious art; and to the politics of the 1910 Mexican Revolution. In addition, we will study the work of several other Mexican artists, including Frida Kahlo and Rufino Tamayo. A 15 page research paper and 15 minute oral presentation is required for this course. Prerequisite: One Art History course or permission of instructor.





Prerequisite: Completion of one Art History course or permission of instructor.