PHY5030 Electrodynamics

This course offers a rigorous treatment of classical electrodynamics following PHY 2021 Electromagnetism. Topics include: Electrostatics; magnetostatics, quasi-stationary phenomena, and Maxwell146s equation; Special mathematical methods for problems in electrostatics; Electromagnetic waves and boundary value problems; Potentials and gauge trans-formations; Radiation from charge and current distributions, including multipole expansion of the field, and the field of moving charges. Lorentz transformations and special relativity; Formulation of the field equations and electrodynamics from the action principle; Lagrangian and Hamiltonian forms of theory. Prerequisite: The same as that for PHY 3010 plus PHY 2021 Electromagnetism.




MATH 2030,MATH 2021,PHY 2010,PHY 2021