MKMC5602 Global Marketing Strategies

This course is designed to help students develop the knowledge and skills necessary to create global marketing strategies that provide competitive advantage. The aim is to combine the development of a conceptual framework with real life current examples of global marketing practices across a variety of industries. Students will gain an understanding of specific concepts, consideration and strategies that must be skillfully applied in conjunction with universal marketing fundamentals to ensure success in global markets. The course is practical, hands-on, and applied, thus allowing students to analyze and plan global marketing strategies. Extensive use of cases presents a challenging and real-life environment in which to apply and hone decision-making skills. Topics include: Global marketing environment, including social, cultural, legal and regulatory; Competitive dynamics, including how to understand, anticipate and effectively respond to competitive threats; Global market entry strategies, including strategic alliances, licensing, joint ventures; Product, brand and pricing decision sets; Global marketing communications; Leading a global markeitng effort. Upon successful completion of the course, students will have (a) enhanced their knowledge and skills to understand and apply the frameworks, concepts, and methods used in the development of effective global marketing strategies, (b) gained practical experience in the application of processes used to develop market strategy, (c) discussed and debated internal and external barriers to strategy implementation, as well as approaches to overcoming these barriers, and (d) explored commonalities and differences across countries and cultures.
