HLT5100 Drugs, Alcohol & Tobacco: Use & Abuse And Prevention

This course will examine the use and abuse of drugs in the adolescent population. The various categories of drugs will be explored both in terms of how they affect the adolescent mind and growth of the body. Individuals will examine: narcotics, depressants, stimulants, over-the-counter drugs, alcohol, sedatives, and hallucinogens. These categories of drugs will be researched, discussed and reviewed throughout the semester. Each individual will use research articles, book chapter reviews, and guest lectures to formulate a holistic perspective on drug use in school-aged children. The guest lectures and group discussion format will help individuals examine: diverse cultural beliefs, legal and governmental standpoints, and religious views of drug use and abuse. Various perspectives on the care of drug depended adolescents will be interwoven into the exploration of each class of drugs examined. Furthermore, the graduate student will explore common school-based deterrent programs and compare and contrast effective programs to non-effective programs.
