EDAD8054 Human Resources and Teams

This is an advanced doctoral course on human resource development (HRD) in education. The primary goal is to extend knowledge and experience in four aspects of HRD: (1) recruiting and selecting quality leaders and teachers, (2) creating/changing the culture/climate of a school, district, or agency to better support the mission of educating a diverse student body to successfully live in and contribute to a diverse, pluralistic, and democratic society, (3) creating and deploying innovative and successful staff support and development activities, and (4) using participatory methods of development in education (e.g., participatory action research). Students will study competing theories of HRD as well as look at theories, models, and case studies of HRD and professional development in education. Students will learn a range of development activities including team development, collaboration, conflict resolution, effective communication, effective feedback systems, and professional development methods. Cases and examples will be drawn from education, business and industry, and agencies/NGOs with a focus on real world issues and problems presented by education organizations in the region.
