This 4-credit seminar explores the life and work of "the Divine" Michelangelo Buonarroti, perhaps the best known artist and architect of the Italian Renaissance. The name recognition of this artist belies his importance for the art and development of the High Renaissance style in Italy, and the history of Western art and art appreciation in general. This class will provide the vehicle for in-depth analysis of the artist's oeuvre, training, and stylistic development. Together, we will examine the relationship of the artist's work to the culture and artistic developments of the Renaissance. We will focus on understanding the role of patronage in the life of the artist - from Lorenzo de' Medici to the papacy. We will also explore the myths and legends about Michelangelo -- from divine inspiration to the burdens of terrible genius. Ultimately, it is hoped that students will come away with a better understanding of what makes the work of this Renaissance master significant. But it is also hoped that students will develop a more critical awareness of the changing role of the artist -- and of art -- in society. Field trips. Prerequisite: one art history course or permission of instructor.




One art history course or permission of the instructor.