German (World Languages and Literatures)

Introduction & Overview 

Often referred to as “das Land der Dichter und Denker” (the land of poets and thinkers) Germany and other German speaking countries have made significant contributions to Western civilization, especially in the areas of literature, music and philosophy. In contemporary times Germany has emerged as a political and economic leader within the European Union, and has become the envy of many because of its stable economy.

Although a traditional major in German is not feasible, students may complete a minor in German Studies and in conjunction with this, are encouraged to spend a summer or semester abroad in one of the German speaking countries.




German Studies 

Career Ideas

German fluency can be a distinct asset for students seeking jobs in the global business, banking, diplomatic and humanitarian sectors.

Program Administrators

Binita Mehta (Fall 2018), Maria Jose Lujan (Spring 2019) 

Faculty and Staff

Adjunct Faculty

Faculty Emeritus 

Gabriele Wickert - Language teaching, literature/culture of post-unification Germany, German film