Students will work in small teams on a semester-long electronics project of their choosing. Each team will begin by creating a basic design for an electronics device that they will prototype over the course of the semester. Then teams will determine parts and materials needed to create the prototype, and a proposed budget. After the needed parts and materials are acquired, teams will spend the rest of the semester on the construction and testing of their prototype, with periodic progress reports and a presentation to the class at the end. Each team will choose their own project. Projects could be, for example, a handheld game system, a portable media player, an automated lighting system, etc. Through this experience, students will learn about applying physical and computational reasoning to real-life problems in unfamiliar contexts. Students will also gain experience with design, project management, and budgeting. Some physics or computer programming literacy is required.





Prerequisite PHY.1002, MAC.1001, MAC.1005, MAC.1006 or MAC.1010.