CSCH 3209 Genocide Crimes Against Humanity

This advanced course is designed to explore interdisciplinary perspectives on the causes and consequences of genocide as well as the responses to them through film, photography, art, music, drama, and literature. Students will learn, via case studies, the characteristics of past and current incidents of mass killings and communal destruction characterized as genocide, as well as the key debates and conflicts surrounding the term 'genocide', and how the arts have been a powerful force in responding to genocide. Concentration will largely focus upon the modern and contemporary periods and insights will also be drawn from other crimes against humanity. Guest speakers from NGO's, academia, and other organizations will also provide valuable perspectives. A trip to the Museum of Jewish Heritage in New York City for a special fall exhibit, as well as mandatory student service work on the annual Manhattanville College Human Rights Awareness Day (HRAD), will also form major components of the course. No Prerequisite.
