Pre-Health Professions

The Pre-Health Professions Advisory Committee (PHPAC) and a campus pre-health advisor are available to assist students in preparing for admission to a graduate health professions program. This includes medical, dental, nursing, pharmacy, veterinary, optometry, physical therapy, and other health-related fields. Students considering a career in one of these fields should contact the pre-health advisor as soon as possible upon admission to Manhattanville, to plan their schedules. Students are strongly advised to begin taking courses in preparation for admission to a particular graduate health professions program in the first semester of their studies at Manhattanville. The pre-health advisor will help students prepare a four-year plan of study.

A pre-health student can major in any subject; Manhattanville does not offer a “Pre-Health” or “Pre-Med” major. However, all pre-health courses must be completed in a timely manner so that the student is prepared to take the appropriate entrance exam in his/her application year. The following courses are recommended as a minimal program of preparation for the entrance exams and for admission to graduate programs:

Pre-Medical/Pre-Dental Studies

Principles of Biology I, II

Principles of Chemistry I, II with labs

Organic Chemistry I, II with labs

Calculus I

College or University Physics I, II

First-Year Writing Seminar

One course in English Literature (not a film course)

Highly Recommended: Statistics, Biochemistry (note: Biochemistry is required for those applying for a Committee Letter; see below.)

Recommended: Psychology, Sociology

Health Sciences

Principles of Biology I, II

Principles of Chemistry I, II with labs

Organic Chemistry I with lab

Statistics for the Social Sciences

Anatomy and Physiology (2 semesters)

Additional courses directly related to the chosen profession may also be needed for admission. It is highly recommended that two or more of the courses listed above be taken in the first semester at Manhattanville. The sequence in which these courses are taken should be discussed with the pre-health advisor as early as possible in the academic career to ensure the best possible outcome. Pre-Medical/Pre-Dental Studies and Health Sciences minors are available for students majoring in most academic areas.

Admission to graduate programs in the health professions is highly selective. To compete successfully for admission, students must maintain a minimum 3.3 cumulative G.P.A. and a 3.3 G.P.A. in the courses listed above while at Manhattanville. Students should be aware that some professional schools require a G.P.A. that is significantly higher than 3.3. Students should also be aware that some professional schools require a very strong performance on a standardized entrance exam (MCAT or DAT, for example).

Manhattanville offers an Official Committee Recommendation Letter to qualified students when they are ready to apply to a professional program, e.g., medical school. Requests for this letter are reviewed by the Pre-Health Professions Advisory Committee (PHPAC) in the student’s application year and the student may receive one of the following ratings: Highly Recommended, Recommended, Recommended with Reservation, or Not Recommended. Students are also given the opportunity to practice their interview skills with the PHPAC members.

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