Eligibility for Admission

Candidates eligible for the undergraduate programs include those who:

  • Are accepted and enrolled in a Manhattanville Bachelor's degree program and present and maintain a minimum grade point average of at least 2.75 (A = 4).
  • Plan to meet appropriate undergraduate content area coursework as described in each program plan. (See “Program Plans”)
  • Submit an application. Students must also submit official transcripts for all transfer credits to the attention of Dr. JoAnne Ferrara, School of Education.
  • Demonstrate an aptitude for undergraduate study.
  • Provide evidence of all required immunizations. Students born after January 1957, taking six or more credits within a semester or session, are required by state law to provide colleges with proof of immunization against measles, mumps and rubella. Contact the Health Center in order to comply.
  • International students must demonstrate English language proficiency prior to admission. All applicants who speak or write English as a second language are required to take the TOEFL exam and receive a minimum score of 85 and 300 on the computer-based test.

Admission Procedures for Manhattanville Undergraduates

Admission to the School of Education is not automatically granted with acceptance to the College. Those wishing to enter education programs will apply during the semester in which they complete EDU 2000, Fundamentals of Schools and Teaching. Students applying only to the Early Childhood Program take EDU 3017 (Foundations of Early Childhood Education) instead of EDU 2000.

Students may register to take EDU 2000 or EDU 3017 in the second semester of their Freshman year. Admission decisions will be made at the end of the semester students enroll in EDU 2000 or EDU 3017 when the criteria for acceptance into the program can be fully reviewed. 

Students must earn a minimum grade of B- in EDU 2000, Fundamentals of Schools and Teaching /EDU 3017, Foundations of Early Childhood Education.

Students must receive a grade of C or better in any program course. A student receiving a grade of C- or below in an education course or a state certification required course (as listed on the program plan pages) must retake the course. Education courses may be retaken only once.

Upon application to the education program, the applicant must have earned a minimum GPA of 2.75 in the Bachelors program and must maintain that minimum GPA from the time of admission until completion of the degree.

Admission Procedures for Transfer Students

Admission criteria for transfer students are the same as those for other Manhattanville Undergraduates. If a transfer student has not taken an introductory course in Education equivalent to EDU 2000 (Fundamentals of Schools and Teaching) or EDU 3017 (Foundations of Early Childhood Education), the transfer student follows the same course requirements as non-transfer students. Transfer students should make an appointment to see the Associate Dean for Undergraduate Programs who will approve the registration for EDU 2000 during the transfer student’s first year at Manhattanville. In EDU 2000, application materials will be distributed and procedures for their completion and submission will be reviewed. Admissions decisions are made at the end of the semester when grades have been posted and GPA’s have been re-calculated.

If the transfer student has already passed an education course equivalent to EDU 2000 (or EDU 3017 for the Early Childhood Program) with a grade of B or better and is transferring into Manhattanville with a minimum GPA of 2.75, s/he may be eligible for application to the undergraduate education program. Students in this category should make an appointment to meet with the Associate Dean for Undergraduate Programs prior to starting at Manhattanville, and should bring to this advising meeting their transcript(s) and course descriptions of any education courses they have taken.

Letters are mailed to the applicants indicating acceptance as soon as possible. All students will meet with the Associate Dean for Undergraduate Programs at least once each semester; this is in addition to meeting with their academic advisors.

Eligibility for Bachelors/Masters Dual Degree Programs (Honors Program)

Students must complete EDU 2000, Fundamentals of Schools and Teaching (or EDU 3017 for Early Childhood) and must be recommended by the course instructor. Upon application to the education program, the applicant must have earned a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.4 in the Bachelors program and must maintain that minimum GPA from the time of admission into the program until completion of the Bachelor's degree.